thanks for the new Version! I've got a Problem with the Network Sanity Check, it doesn't run.
I got a ESP8266 Based Ethernet Gateway which is configured with DHCP. Everytime the DHCP Lease got renewed the Connection between the Gateway and openHAB is lost for a short Time. The Binding doesnt' recognize this. The Gateway and all Sensors marked as Online but not a single Message comes from the Gateway. I could also reproduce this if i reboot the Gateway.
I tried different Settings for the Sanity Check but nothing worked.
I switched to Debug-logging for the Binding. After the Connection is lost, not a single Log Entry is written.
If i go into the Settings from the Gateway thing and change something, the binding start to communicate with the Gateway again, but all Sensors marked as offline in openHAB. There are incoming Messages from Sensors but the Binding write to log:
20:35:10.030 [DEBUG] [rsAbstractConnection$MySensorsReader] - Message from gateway received: 5;2;1;0;1;67.9
20:35:10.036 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Node 5 found in gateway
20:35:10.041 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Child 2 not present in node 5
if i restart whole openHAB all is functional again until the next time this occurs.
Thanks for help,
Greets Phil
Edit: I also get the same Log entries as above if i change a Setting from the sanity check, without rebooting the Gateway.