@Redguy Did you succeed talking modbus and sending to mysensors network ? I have a small mysensors over rs485 network and would like to add this device : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/4000478781091.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.1d513c00qfPO3K&mp=1 it would be convinient to use the same cables, ideally the gateway could make the translation directly.
Posts made by polo
RE: Mysensors node to poll Modbus device ?
RE: Reading out Modbus with MySensors
Hello friend,
any progress on this ? I plan to buy a power meter and it would be awesome to read it over my existing rs485 mysensors network ?
can mySensors and modBus protocol coexist on the same physical line ?