@user2684 Thanks a lot

Posts made by RPunkt
RE: 💬 NodeManager
Hello, it is me again. Going the next steps.
Now I want to operate another sensor (SensorVL53L0X).
this sensor should transmit the distance and the battery voltage every hour. in between it should sleep.
The normal reporting interval of the battery is once every hour
I setsetReportIntervalHours(1);
to report the sensor value.
But how do I set the node to sleep in between?
And is the NodeManager so clever that all the transmits are at the same time,
meaning once every hour the sensor value and the battery voltage is transmitted. -
RE: 💬 NodeManager
Question about PowerManger:
I am a bit confused or I can't find the right information.
I have an Ultrasonic sensor (SensorHCSR04) that needs to be only powered in case of measuring, due to power consumption.
An the sensor needs to be switched on a time before the actual measuring starts.
So my first approach was to switch the
Then I setnodeManager.setPowerPins(5,6,500)
Where I a a bit surprised, why I need two pins (for vcc and ground)?
At what logic level are the when the PowerManager switches to ON or OFF?
Do I need to connect both pins, or is the vcc- connection enough?
Anyway, somehow it did not work with me. It seemed, that the pins are not switched in that way, that pin5 goes to ground and pin 6 goes to 3,3 volt.
So I found that thing :// power all the nodes through dedicated pins nodeManager.setPowerManager(power);
But here is no timing possible.
Am I missing something? -
RE: NodeManager: plugin for a rapid development of battery-powered sensors
@user2684 Seems to be to difficult for a rookie
On the conventional MySensors library it is possible with my abilities, but then the power management is a issue.
For me the NodeManager was the choice, because it saves so much battery energy.
Other way of solution:
A friend of mine, convinced me off doing all the calculations in the home- automation (in my case FHEM).
Now I only use the node transmitting the distance and calculating the "volume of water" and "percentage of water" as a "user reading". -
RE: NodeManager: plugin for a rapid development of battery-powered sensors
Hello all of You,
if have a flight time sensor VL53L0X, that is running so far.
It should measure the water level in a rain tank.
But now i want to customize my sensornode in that way, that two other values will be transmitted.
It should be
V_level, that represents the percentage of my water tank
V_volume, that represents the available volume of water
V_level and V_volume could be calculated from the sensor value of the distance sensor (VL53L0X).
But somehow I could not manage to to get this running. I don't know where to insert what.
Cant someone point me to the right direction, help appreciated/* * The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol * between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice. * The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each * repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the * network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes. * * Created by Henrik Ekblad <henrik.ekblad@mysensors.org> * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Sensnology AB * Full contributor list: https://github.com/mysensors/Arduino/graphs/contributors * * Documentation: http://www.mysensors.org * Support Forum: http://forum.mysensors.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ /************************** Template This sketch can be used as a template since containing the most relevant MySensors library configuration settings, NodeManager's settings, all its the supported sensors commented out and a sketch structure fully functional to operate with NodeManager. Just uncomment the settings you need and the sensors you want to add and configure the sensors in before() */ /********************************** * MySensors node configuration */ // General settings #define SKETCH_NAME "NodeManager" #define SKETCH_VERSION "1.0" //#define MY_DEBUG #define MY_NODE_ID 8 // NRF24 radio settings #define MY_RADIO_NRF24 #define MY_RF24_CE_PIN 7 #define MY_RF24_CS_PIN 10 #define MY_SOFT_SPI_SCK_PIN 11 #define MY_SOFT_SPI_MOSI_PIN 12 #define MY_SOFT_SPI_MISO_PIN 13 // Advanced settings #define MY_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define MY_SPLASH_SCREEN_DISABLED /********************************** * MySensors gateway configuration */ // Common gateway settings //#define MY_REPEATER_FEATURE /*********************************** * NodeManager configuration */ #define NODEMANAGER_DEBUG ON #define NODEMANAGER_INTERRUPTS ON #define NODEMANAGER_SLEEP ON #define NODEMANAGER_RECEIVE OFF #define NODEMANAGER_DEBUG_VERBOSE OFF #define NODEMANAGER_POWER_MANAGER ON #define NODEMANAGER_CONDITIONAL_REPORT OFF #define NODEMANAGER_EEPROM OFF #define NODEMANAGER_TIME OFF #define NODEMANAGER_RTC OFF #define NODEMANAGER_SD OFF #define NODEMANAGER_HOOKING OFF #define NODEMANAGER_OTA_CONFIGURATION OFF #define NODEMANAGER_SERIAL_INPUT OFF // import NodeManager library (a nodeManager object will be then made available) #include <MySensors_NodeManager.h> /*********************************** * Add your sensors */ //PowerManager power(5,6); #include <sensors/SensorBattery.h> SensorBattery battery; //#include <sensors/SensorConfiguration.h> //SensorConfiguration configuration; #include <sensors/SensorSignal.h> SensorSignal signal; #include <sensors/SensorVL53L0X.h> SensorVL53L0X vl53l0x(9); /*********************************** * Main Sketch */ // before void before() { /*********************************** * Configure your sensors */ // // EXAMPLES: // report measures of every attached sensors every 10 seconds nodeManager.setReportIntervalSeconds(10); void setADCOff(); nodeManager.setSleepSeconds(10); // call NodeManager before routine nodeManager.before(); } // presentation void presentation() { // call NodeManager presentation routine nodeManager.presentation(); } // setup void setup() { // call NodeManager setup routine nodeManager.setup(); } // loop void loop() { // call NodeManager loop routine nodeManager.loop(); } #if NODEMANAGER_RECEIVE == ON // receive void receive(const MyMessage &message) { // call NodeManager receive routine nodeManager.receive(message); } #endif #if NODEMANAGER_TIME == ON // receiveTime void receiveTime(unsigned long ts) { // call NodeManager receiveTime routine nodeManager.receiveTime(ts); } #endif```
RE: NodeManager: hookon example needed
@zboblamont My question is related to:
This should be an easy way to get sensors running. It should be nice, if You have a battery- powered node as well.
But for me it is not clear what to to, if You want some extra information to be transmitted.
So I thought, that would be as easy as setting up a node.Only playing a little with:
"NODEMANAGER_HOOKING OFF allow custom code to be hooked in the out of the box sensors"As far as I understand, Your way is the conventional approach.
That will work for sure, but than power saving is an issue.
I want that stuff be powered by solar or battery. So it should be very power efficient. That is the reason to try the NodeManager. -
RE: NodeManager: hookon example needed
@zboblamont Maybe I expressed myself not clearly. I want to make the calculations on the node (the arduino). The distance, that the sensor is measuring should be transmitted, the fill rate in percent should be transmitted as well and the "liter available" should be transmitted also.
MyMessage msgdistance(CHILD_ID_DISTANCE, V_DISTANCE); //distance from sensor to watersurface
MyMessage msgVolume(CHILD_ID_WATER, V_LEVEL); //water availble in liters
MyMessage msgPercent(CHILD_ID_PERCENT, V_LEVEL); // water percentsge availableSorry, but I am just learning
RE: NodeManager: plugin for a rapid development of battery-powered sensors
@user2684 Thanks a lot. I should have tried this, before to post a question, but sometimes the brain is sticky.
NodeManager: hookon example needed
Hi, I am just making my first steps with the NodeManager. To get a simple sensor running is very easy, but how do I get custom code on the sketch?
I have a distance sensor, that is monitoring the water level in a water tank.
But I want the node also to present the level in percent and volume in liter. The should be done by hookon- code and be presented as well.
Can someone give me some hints or give an example? -
RE: NodeManager: plugin for a rapid development of battery-powered sensors
@user2684 Hello all of You,
this topic is quite old, but hopefully someone is reading this.
I could not figure out, what to do if the NRF24 is wired to different pins.
I have a board with nrf24 on board, but this are connected like:
// Enable and select radio type attached
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24
#define MY_RF24_CE_PIN 7
#define MY_RF24_CS_PIN 10
#define MY_SOFT_SPI_SCK_PIN 11
How can this be inplemented in the nodemanager? -
RE: Electrodragon NRF Pro Mini Sensor Board
@patt896 I have the same setting: the "Atmega328P Arduino Plus Nrf24l01+ Board, Nrf24Duino R1.6" and the "Mini Boost Buck DC Board".
But I can't get this to a current lower than 3 mA while sleeping.
This is to much for me, because I want it to be powered with 5 volt solar module in combination with a supercap.
Can You give me a hint, what to do, to reduce the power consumption? -
RE: Solar powered node, that should only send occasionally
Thank you for the inspirations an ideas,
You are absolutely right that it will be the best to get the setup as energy efficient as possible.
But how do I program the Nrf24l01 not to start when the board is powered?
I could not easily disconnect the Nrf24l01 because I am using a tiny board "Atmega328P Arduino Plus Nrf24l01+ Board, Nrf24Duino R1.6". This has everything on board.
Has someone some "hacking tips"? -
Solar powered node, that should only send occasionally
I want to watch the level of a rain tank. I don't need to see this every ten minutes. Some updates a day are sufficient.
My hardware needs 3 mA in sleep mode and 25 mA when it is transmitting.
My plan is to power it with solar power. I have a 5 volt solar panel and two 1 Farad supercap.
When I normally power this setup, it sticks at around 2 volts, because when the arduino has enough voltage it try to connect to the gateway. That drops the voltage.
So my idea is to load fully the supercap an the switch the sensor on (switching the voltage for the arduino NRF24 and the ultrasonic sensor on). After this the procedure start again or there is enough energy the node goes to standby and transmits later agian.
My problem is, that I don't know how I could build the switch.
Idea is to use a thyristor, that get conducting, if the supercap voltage is higher than e.g. 4 volts.
Has anyone tips for me? -
RE: 💬 MP3 player with RGB-signal LED (optionally battery powered)
I want to build this project. But I don't need to power it by batteries. Has anyone the circuit diagram (in FrizIng?)
I have also the problem, that I can't see, on the breadboard picture of this project where the red wire from the battery ends after the connection to the Arduino?
Does it go to the FET and the R7?
Can anyone help me? -
RE: 💬 Water Meter Pulse Sensor
I have a question and need some advise,
is it possible to expand the sketch to two meters.
In my case I want to combine a this Water Meter with a Gas Meter.
Can both meters use an interrupt, each?