Solved: challenge with requesttime
Update: mysensors adapter 1.0.7 for ioBroker solved the issue.
my arduino node20 is requesting epoch time. W5100 gateway forwards message to controller (ioBroker). This is the gateways console in debug:
0;255;3;0;9;Eth: 20;255;3;1;I_TIME;1491770622
The parser helps with the interpretation:
- request from node20 (Arduino) t=1 (=I_TIME)
- gateway receives epoch time from controller (ioBroker)
- gateway forwards info to node20. BUT: now with t=0 (=I_BATTERY_LEVEL)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- node20 confirms battery level (and still doesn't know the time)
I'm using the ordinary gateway for W5100. Sensordata moves flawless to the controller but forwarding the time seems to be broken.
Any idea? Thank you in advance.