I have tried this on my test system and i get the same results as you using the VAR1 -- VAR5 with the cover (RollerShutter) thing.
However if you add CustomSensor thing to your node then using the VAR1-VAR5 work as expected with the mapping. With numbers to and from the node.
cover Mock_Cover [nodeId=254, childId=6 ]
text Mock_info [nodeId=254, childId=7 ]
Rollershutter Mock_Cover_State "Mock Cover State [%s]" <rollershutter> (test254) { channel = "mysensors:cover:gatewayWIFI3:Mock_Cover:cover" }
Number Mock_Info_Var1 "Mock Info Variable 1 (number) [%s]" (test254) { channel = "mysensors:text:gatewayWIFI3:Mock_Info:var1" }
String Mock_Info_Var1s "Mock Info Variable 1 (string) [%s]" (test254) { channel = "mysensors:text:gatewayWIFI3:Mock_Info:var1" }
Number Mock_Info_Var1m "Mock Info Variable 1 (number) [MAP(curtains.map):%s]" (test254) { channel = "mysensors:text:gatewayWIFI3:Mock_Info:var1" }
String Mock_Info_Var1sm "Mock Info Variable 1 (string map) [%s]" (test254) { channel="mysensors:text:gatewayWIFI3:Mock_Info:var1" [profile="transform:MAP", function="curtains.map"] }
Number Mock_Info_Var2 "Mock Info Variable 2 (number) [%s]" (test254) { channel = "mysensors:text:gatewayWIFI3:Mock_Info:var2" }
Number Mock_Info_Var3 "Mock Info Variable 3 (number) [%s]" (test254) { channel = "mysensors:text:gatewayWIFI3:Mock_Info:var3" }
Number Mock_Info_Var4 "Mock Info Variable 4 (number) [%s]" (test254) { channel = "mysensors:text:gatewayWIFI3:Mock_Info:var4" }
Number Mock_Info_Var5 "Mock Info Variable 5 (number) [%s]" (test254) { channel = "mysensors:text:gatewayWIFI3:Mock_Info:var5" }
#define CHILD_ID_COVER 6
present(CHILD_ID_COVER, S_COVER, "Roller Shutters");
present(CHILD_ID_CUSTOM, S_CUSTOM, "Reasons");
Or you if you want to send strings you could use
String Mock_Info_Text "Mock Info text sting [%s] " (test254) { channel = "mysensors:text:gatewayWIFI3:Mock_Info:text" }