Is V_RGB Supported in OpenHAB?
Is it possible to send a hex value (ff0000) with type 40 (V_RGB) from OpenHAB? Or is it possible to create a custom item with type 40?
I want the message sent to look like this: 8;1;1;0;40;ffc550
Openhab and the MySensors binding use the HSTtype format (hue, saturation, brightness) for color information.
The binding automatically converts the HSBtype to the MySensors format of RRGGBB.
So you need to use the HSBType fromRGB(int R, int G, int B) functionitems
Color Mock_RGB_LED "Mock RGB LED (HSB) " (test254) { channel = "mysensors:rgbLight:gatewayWIFI3:Mock_RGB_LED:rgb" } String test_RGB_HexString "Test Color RGB hexS [0x%s]" (test254) Number test_RGB_Red " Test Colour Red [%s]" (test254) Number test_RGB_Green " Test Colour Green [%s]" (test254) Number test_RGB_Blue " Test Colour Blue [%s]" (test254)
val String filename = "rgb-light.rules" rule "System startup" when System started then /*Initial value of colors*/ if (test_RGB_Red.state == NULL) test_RGB_Red.postUpdate(0) if (test_RGB_Green.state == NULL) test_RGB_Green.postUpdate(0) if (test_RGB_Blue.state == NULL) test_RGB_Blue.postUpdate(0) end rule "Test Colour Channels RGB to Mysensors" when Item test_RGB_Red changed or Item test_RGB_Green changed or Item test_RGB_Blue changed then val int r = (test_RGB_Red.state as Number).intValue val int g = (test_RGB_Green.state as Number).intValue val int b = (test_RGB_Blue.state as Number).intValue logInfo(filename, "Input Conversion: r:" + r + " g:" + g + " b:" + b) var HSBType hsb = HSBType.fromRGB(r, g, b) logInfo(filename, "Input Conversion: hsb" + hsb) Mock_RGB_LED.sendCommand(hsb) end rule "RGB Hex -> HSB" when Item test_RGB_HexString received update then var rgb = test_RGB_HexString.state.toString var r = Integer::parseInt(rgb.substring(0, 2), 16) var g = Integer::parseInt(rgb.substring(2, 4), 16) var b = Integer::parseInt(rgb.substring(4, 6), 16) logInfo(filename, "Input Conversion: r" + r + " g" + g + " b" + b) var HSBType hsb = HSBType.fromRGB(r, g, b) logInfo(filename, "Input Conversion: hsb" + hsb) Mock_RGB_LED.sendCommand(hsb) end /* I find this most useful for testing the node the Node */ rule "Test Colour Channels RGB to Mysensors" when Item test_RGB_Red changed or Item test_RGB_Green changed or Item test_RGB_Blue changed then var int r = (test_RGB_Red.state as Number).intValue var int g = (test_RGB_Green.state as Number).intValue var int b = (test_RGB_Blue.state as Number).intValue logInfo(filename, "Input Conversion: r:" + r + " g:" + g + " b:" + b) var HSBType hsb = HSBType.fromRGB(r, g, b) logInfo(filename, "Input Conversion: hsb" + hsb) Mock_RGB_LED.sendCommand(hsb) end
Thank you @hard-shovel! It works. It doesn't store the value between reboots but I guess that's a different topic which I will look into.