Health of mesh

  • Hi, I build up DB entrys from the informations about the notes, repaters and the GW and create a live visualization in a browser. The goal was to see the structure of the mash and see the routing. If I power up the GW as first and then the nodes it will be worked very fine. In the other order there are missing things (i.e things the bootloader send). But the worst thing is that i'm not able to get a feedback from the node/mash about there presens (health) at a later time.

    So it would be great to have:

    -a function to scan the network (without to reset all nodes)(except sleeping nodes).

    • get information about battery powered (/sometime sleeping node) and full powered (every time responding) node.
    • In the case of a battery powered node - the info about the minimal notification time would be very interesting. So I would be able to say: "The minimal notification time is 1day, I didn't hear something from this node in the last 3 days, so I change the health state from green to yellow (warning) and again 3 days later to red (error).
    • Or, and this is my request in general for powered devices. Set the time of minimal keep_alive messages.

    A littel bit other topic:

    • OTA BL: To reduce the risk of a wrong firmware the configuration of the hardware is interesting. Means mainly running at 8 or 16Mhz. (( Maybe also the ยตC (future), the connection's schema of the nrf24 or in general the connected communication module - if you also plan to connect things like the rf69).

    Tell me if I overlook such features.

  • If I power up the GW as first ...


  • Hero Member

    Very nice. How did you visualize this?

  • @Heinz The GW is connected online to my webside and a php script collect all data and add it to a mysql database. From this DB the structure is rendered by an js library. The structure and the sensor values are updated frequently (not shown in this screenshot - take a look to ) ... in parallel I can connect the server with a controller or with MYSContoller via TCP.

  • Hero Member

    Excellent! This is really great. Are you going to release this in somewhere? Myscontroller is really helpful, but this could run on a raspi all the time. Good job!

  • Thx @Heinz !
    It was not planned to release it. I do this work to see the dynamic of mash functionality. To make it public the interest must be very high, I had to invest a lot of time, and I should not become in conflict with Myscontroller (best tool, I lerned a lot at the use). In general I hope it improves the quality of mysensors, because I have to deside to use it or not.

  • @pit007: Why wouldn't you let other people use & contribute together with tool you've made then? ๐Ÿ™‚

    The thing about MySensors is not only the library, but contribution from everyone...

  • How did you determine the topology of the network by only seeing the gateway? If I understand it right it is (by only seeing the gateway's debug messages) not possible to find out if (for example) node 9 in your picture uses relay node 8 of relay node 6 directly. Or do you use information of the repeater nodes as well?

  • Never mind, I found it out myself by browsing through MySensor.cpp, apparently nodes are sending in their parentId during startup.

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