Duplicate Sensors

  • Not sure if this is a Domoticz or MySensors question, but I seem to get a lot of duplicate sensors in Domoticz. Anyone seen this before and have an idea what it is about or how to stop it. ID's are the same


  • Hero Member

    Domoticz is combining humidity and temperature sensors when both are in the same node. You can just delete the 'not updated' one. The combination rather arbitrary / confusing when you have multiple temperature humidity sensors in one node..

  • @AWI Thanks for the reply. When I first setup the sensors I am sure i deleted those extra ones, but they seem to have come back again for some reason. Is there a way to permanently delete them?

    Will Domoticz always combine the temp and humidity if they are from the one DT22 sensor? Would be good to report and graph them separately

  • I think you could prevent them from coming back when you disable "Accept new Hardware Devices" in the settings-section.
    I habe a similar issue with a power-meter sensor. From time to time a new device appears which is never updated.

  • Ok, Thanks. Will give that a try

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