Node error when power via vcc/gnd, OK when using FTDI connection

  • Hi,

    I have a strange behaviour of the pro-mini (5v)
    When I connect to the VCC and GND on the side rows (next to A3 and D2) then I am not able to cumunicate (to Vera)
    When I connect using the FTDI or a the VCC an GDN of this connecter its working

    I tested it finally using the MYSController see for the first situation I and for second II in the screen print.

    Any one a suggestion what could cause this and/or how to solve this?


  • Hero Member

    @sjoerd14 How do you power the arduino when not via FTDI? The nRF radio is very sensitive to power noise (for example from cheap phone chargers).
    Do you have a cap between radio VCC/GND?

  • Hi,

    I planned to use a phone checker 1A b7ut now during testing is connect in both cases using the laptop USB. The "NRF24L01+ Socket Adapter Board" from the shop to connect the radio.
    Last latest test was to add an (extra) 4.7 uF, without any diff.

    I am puzzled about the fact appertly the MYSCONTROLER receives the other messages. Why only an issue with the TX messages?

    I am wondering if vcc from the fdti and the other vcc pins are directly connected on the board?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Mod

    You could measure the resistance between gnd on the side and gnd on the ftdi header. It should be 0 (or at least very close to 0). Then do the same for the two Vcc pins.

  • Mod

    @sjoerd14 According to the official Pro Mini schematics ( all VCC pins are connected.
    The RAW pin is a different story. This input is fed through a voltage regulator to create 5V on VCC.
    For a clone the schematic might be slightly different (e.g. SJ1 I have never seen on a clone) but function of VCC & RAW pins should be identical.

  • @mfalkvidd, I checked using the multimeter. In diode mode, I have 400 ohm between fdti and vcc. When powered a 0.4v drop.
    So both vcc's are not direct connected.

    Still strange it works OK with the 4.4v on the radio and not with 4.9
    At least we have now an idea what
    It's a deek robot clone.

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