I think you need to post a clear drawing or photos of the setup and the code you are using.
I donlt know what you mean by "connecting the current in series" nor what "AC regulator" you are using or what "thermal serial currenr" is.
Well, for small potted plants, you might have to re-pot the plant. However, the nice benefit that would arise is: no visible sensors, which carries with it very high WAF.
I have published all the documentation in a Github repository. If someone wants to make PCBs, I recommend that you wait a little longer until you receive my PCBs and try them.
I recently build successfully a mysensor node based on an Arduino Uno, a Robolink IR sensor and a Robolink DHT11 sensor. The last two from an Elektor sensor kit ever bought for my son when he was still interested by electronics .
My controller is Home Assistant, so I did a merge of the given MySensors example sketch and the Home Assistant example sketch together with the DHT11 sketch.
The airco is a Samsung one, so in the sketch you will find these defines uncommented. Replace by your airco manufacturer.
People interested in building one, can find my sketch on https://github.com/ericvb/MySensorsArduinoSketches
@ToniA a big thanks for the work to decode all these IR sequences!