Google Voice
Great job ! How can I change the voice in Google Voice from English into Italian ?
@lanternaverde Thank you. I'll do this feature in a future release.
In the meantime, you can try to switch the language of Chrome to Italian.
If this does not work, there is another way:
Open WebController/wwwroot/js/dashboard/dashboard-voice-google.js file. Find:
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(node.Value);
After that put:
msg.lang = 'it';
Save file. Refresh the Dashboard page in the browser.
i have always Chrome in italian. Modify the file dashboard-voice-google.js , but the voice is always english. There is another way ?
@lanternaverde Then, I don't know how to change it right now. I'll try to make the language selection in a future release.