
  • Plugin Developer

    Hi all,
    I'm Filou,jeedom user.
    plugin is currently development for MySenors.
    it is already functional in rest of debug serial port.
    can you added to the list of controllers on raspberry?
    Thanks and congrats for this interesting project

  • Admin

    Hi @filoucaenais

    That's great news. I'll happily add you to the list of supported controllers on

    It would be great if you could provide similar information as the other controller pages with: A feature list for the Jeedom controller, link to the mysensors plugin install instructions and a few screenshots. You can email this to

  • Plugin Developer

    I'll send you the mail shortly.
    the doc is not finished.

  • Hi,

    Will check with filoucaennais if he has already send you the pictures.
    But I can add, we get an updated version of our MySensors plugin for Jeedom. Now it's supporting to be installed on a Jeedom node and also supporting the network gateway for MySensors. No more reasons for people to say they cannot use it 🙂

    Thanks for your project, very useful and interesting DIY stuff. Just mussing some "PCB" files in the shop to order basic PCB and be looking more "finished"

  • Admin

    Yes, please check with @filoucaenais .. I haven't received anything yet.

  • Check with him. So we have some wiki page, screenshots and it's nicely working.
    I will send you some data by mail.

    Here the wiki :
    Yes, I send you the mail in english, but Jeedom is a french community ... for now 🙂

  • Hi, I 'm stating with Jeedom, installed on a Synology DS313J.
    After installaing jeedom, and installed the Mysensors plugin, I try to configure my serial gateway, attached with a USB / serial on the NAS.
    I ve installed some USB./Serial drivers and it seems that the Virtual Serial port mounted is USB_SERIAL for me (checked with " ls /dev" on Nas SSH console.
    So when I configure the Serial port to be .dev/USB_SERIAL, save it I always have a message that NODEJS is not running...
    Did you have any idea?
    On the diskstation software, I can see that NODEJS is running... Maybe a problem of the acces? On the wiki we can see that NODEJS is not needed now?
    Please help me.

  • I have answer on jeedom forum.

  • @filoucaenais I starting to play with Jeedom but I am not getting my sensor to display Do Jeedom have an auto discovery? As per the Main Plugin MySensor Ethernet gateway is up and running but when I goto the Plugins Automation Protocols Mysensors there is no nodes showing up why will this be the case?



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