MYSBootloader 1.3

  • Did any one able to make this work with atmega328P-PU 28 DIP 8MHz internal clock? or is it just me having problems with this boot loader?

    I was able to load the boot loader successfully and able to upload a sketch but then nothing happen, i see nothing in the serial port (default 115200) and the gateway does not find any node.

    I am using latest dev branch of 2.0 and the boot loader from the above thread link.

    Just for compression i loaded another boot loader for 8MHz internal clock (Arduino on breadboard) and uploaded a sketch to it and it worked perfectly communicating with the gateway etc.

    I want to be able to upload OTA.

    Am i doing something wrong? does this boot loader even supports this MCU?

  • Someone??? Anyone???

  • Admin

    @dpressle MYSBootlader dev (and troublehooting) is currently on hold until the release of MySensors 2.0.0. This is necessary since some adjustments to the OTA protocols have to be finalized.

  • Thanks, i will wait...

  • Something new about OTA and MySensors 2.1.1 with atmega328P-PU 28 DIP 8MHz internal clock?


  • @MLs this is working great for me link text

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