@bisschopsr I now have the schematics posted for all of my boards. I also posted another board for my in-wall scene controller line. Is there any other pics or information that you think might be useful to others for any of these boards?
@Olaf-Jacobs It's a straight analogue read on a single ADC pin relative to Vcc and ground of the Arduino Node.
In my case it's a pro-mini, the ADC pin in this example earlier defined as "Pressure", the result radioed in only if the ADC reading has changed. Three other binary inputs for contactors are polled every second on separate digital pins (one of which is pin 3), which uses all 4 pins available on this pro-mini due to the radio etc.
if ((!hidro&&!Hidro&&(counter2>=132))||initialise){
int incoming=analogRead(Pressure);
if (prevolume!=incoming){
float tankvolume=(((incoming-102.3)*6.704199635)+0.5);//5psi sensor
send(msg8.set(tankvolume,0));//This is actual volume
I'm not clear on the rest of what you're trying to incorporate or what pin 3 (digital interrupt) has to do with it, the pressure sensor signal goes to an analogue pin to enable the voltage to be read.