Managing the color of multiple RGB LED nodes
Hello! Tell me please, can I somehow change the color at the same time for a group of nodes? I have several LED color fixtures, I want to change the color of all at once and in one place of the application.
Can you not add them all to a group, then send a group command? or does that not work with stuff other than on/off? I have never done that so I am guessing.
@crankycoder This was my first and so far the only idea.
To my regret, it did not work. Such a trick turned out only with a switch.
I guess you could do it with a dummy color item. Not associate it with a specific. Then have a rule that when the dummy item is updated, then loop through the items in the group, or just send it to the X number you have.
@crankycoder Many thanks for the idea!
I think this is the right direction for solving my question.
You can link multiple things (or thing channels) to the same item in openHAB. Simply create one single ColorItem and separate all channels with commas.
Working example:
Color aacc_color "Mysensors LED Lights" (lights) {channel="mysensors:rgbLight:bridge:drawer_lights:rgb,mysensors:rgbLight:bridge:desk_lights:rgb"}
@silex Wow! Super! Thank you!