OH3 Serial Gateway Problem

  • Hello,

    trying to update a OH2.5 installation to the current release 3.2 I ran into a problem with the MySeonsors Serial Gateway Binding. So far I found a link to Tim's Binding mysensors-3.1.0.jar (by the way: a big thank you @TimO) and was able to install it. I also added feature:install openhab-transport-serial and feature:install openhab-core-io-transport-mqtt. But now OH throws an error:
    Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.mysensors [270]
    Unresolved requirement: Import Package: org.apache.commons.lang; version "[]"

    I have no idea how to resolve this. I added the package libcommons-lang-java via apt, but it didn't help. Would I need to wait for a Version 3.2 of the binding or is there a way to adapt it myself? Am I missing some component in OH? Any help is highly appreciated.

  • Hello,
    This work for me on OH3.2.

    @vores8 said in https://forum.mysensors.org/post/110626:
    i've managed to build new version from the sources found here https://github.com/nikolac/openhab-addons/tree/mysensors-oh3-migration

    So far, so good - working with the latest OH 3.1.0

    please download from https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Yq3gn8N7tXSQxA

  • I tried and tried with my serial gateway, and never got it to function porperly. The serial port was working I could see it and data, but OH3 just refused to recognise the data. After a week, I decided to abandon the serial and flashed a esp8266 attached the nRF to it and bobs my uncle as we say. It goes via MQTT, so takes a little more settting up but works fine. If you want more info I will dig out the pages I used to make it work.

  • @chrishiscox said in OH3 Serial Gateway Problem:

    I tried and tried with my serial gateway, and never got it to function porperly. The serial port was working I could see it and data, but OH3 just refused to recognise the data. After a week, I decided to abandon the serial and flashed a esp8266 attached the nRF to it and bobs my uncle as we say. It goes via MQTT, so takes a little more settting up but works fine. If you want more info I will dig out the pages I used to make it work.

    Hmmm, the pi OH is running on already has an active MQTT broker. So you got me thinking: Wouldn't it be possible to use the MQTT gateway instead of the serial gateway? It should be able to translate radio messages (Hope RF69 in my case) to mqtt messages which are already recognized by OH. I'll have to find a spare pi and try it.

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