More sensor in One chart

  • Hi.
    Is possible to show more sensors in one Chart ?
    I have many switches and want log this switch to chart .. which and when is button pressed .. but not stand alone , in one chart.. is it possible ??


  • Contest Winner

    @dzairo Hello. The chart can not show multiple sources, but I've added this idea to my task list. At the moment, you can do a scene from the nodes to solve the problem. For example, add +1 to the first button, +2 for the second, +3 to third, then mix their signals in Connection/Hub Node, and you will see which button is pressed, provided that they are not pressed together.

  • Hi.
    Your MyNodes have big potential.
    Will be good if possible to show in chart more sensors . For example temperature in different color .. Loging also is good but better will be if to log write Node and sensor too, not only date time and state .. then is possible to loging all what need in one to database.. this I preffer.. .
    And specialy specific function .. invent solution for automatic connection create ..
    If have Relay node (for example 16 or 32 relay) and button node ..
    if push button then make connection with predefined relay node.. , ..

    PS: if is possible make example video how to install MyNodes to RPi .
    best regards.

  • and I'm forgot .. where I can find complete documentation for all component and how to use it ..
    make more presentation videos .. but not in fast mode .. not easy to learn from your video..


  • Contest Winner

    @dzairo Each node has a description in the editor (in the context menu). There is a link to a description of all the nodes.

    Installation on RPi is not different from installing on Ubuntu.

    MyNodes - Install in Ubuntu (ASP.NET5) – 03:11
    — My Nodes

    I'm waiting for Microsoft will release a new ASP.NET framework. Then the installation process on Linux will be simplified.

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