@scalz said:
You're confusing a bit 
- RFM69 = SX1231 ( +H for high power version)
- RFM95 = SX1276 (this is a long range radio which complies LORA specs).
SX means the ic manufacturer is Semtech. RFM means Hoperf is manufacturer of the complete radio module.
About your question, RFM69, RFM95 shares somes registers of course, not everything, not all same names.., and there are some fine details in buffer, power settings.. I think this should be the same for RFM22..
I think you can't assume RFM22 works the same as RFM69 or etc..you will need to dig into datasheet.
But I'm pretty sure you can google for RFM stuff with MPLAB, Mikroe etc..
Hi S,
The confusion has been caused by the seller. I bought some RFM69, and when I asked for data sheets, etc, they reported that the chips are actually SX1276. So I'll refer to them as this from now.
I am not assuming anything,and working through as much information and data sheet as I can cope with. One of these bits of information is a program for RFM22 written in BASIC, that I can read (with difficulty) I was hoping that someone with better programming skills, could help me along the path.