I got to make a working sensor on MSP430G2553 and NRF24L01+
Perhaps it will be interesting to someone else.
It compiles in Code Composer Studio V8.
MySensors v2.3.1 library changed to work on MSP430G2553 microcontroller
with NRF24L01+ as transport.
-NODE - work, takes 8Kb out of 16Kb flash and 232 byte out of 512 RAM
- Gateway Serial - not tested, in the process. (In earlier versions it worked, but there were many changes later that could affect.)
now i use Orange Pi + NRF24 as gateway. - Repeater mode not tested.
NRF24: MOSI - P1.7 MISO - P1.6 CLK -P1.5 CSN - P2.4 CE - P2.3 IRQ - P2.5 defined in nrf_userconfig.h
debug output to soft_serial (bitbang) TX-2.0 RX-2.1 (115200)
serial GW RX-P1.1 TX-P1.2 (115200)
node.cpp - user program which is similar to arduino project.
some useful defines for MyConfig.h i define in MyConfigAddon.h
work on 16Mhz
IRQ of RF24 now work. (implemented on Port 2)
launchpad button on on P1.3 work with interrupt.
HW UART and SPI uses interrupt and Low power mode 0 (LPM0) to sended/receive data.
Watchdog disabled.
hwSleep use LPM0 and watchdog timer interrupt to wake
hwCPUVoltage - implemeted, not tested.
hwMillis use TIMER0_A0 interrupt.
Circular buffer - work.
MY_RX_MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE value MUST be power of two (2,4,8...256).
this is due to optimization (mod % changed to using bit mask)
mask for index which prevents overflow. if size=4 what corresponds to b0100 then mask=size-1 = 3 what corresponds to b0011
so if Index greater than 3 (size=4 and idx values= 0,1,2,3) and if apply a mask, the index will never be exceeded. -> 5 & 3 = 1 (b0101 & b0011 = b0001) -
RF24_DEBUG() outputs to debug UART the name of the function in which it is lunched in addition to predefined debug messages of MySensors.
serial debug messages may be highlighted in colors.
example - ("Start demo sensor, press " GRN "SW1." RST "\r\n") - prints "SW1" in green color. -
MyMessage::getString improved to use less memory
not work:
- EEPROM - cant save config
- Encription
- LEDs - not tested.
- interrupt callback in sleep/wait function.
- OTA Firmware/ Logging
- Signing