Hi @ghiglie I'm still beginning in all this, but I think you need to call nodeManager.setSleepMinutes(minutes) otherwise the node will still awake.
Best posts made by bbastos
RE: BME280 node not sleeping
RE: BME280 node not sleeping
Thank you! Ohh that's pretty complex for my super noob skills
I'm on the same vibe, using mysensors to start learning about electronics and automation. My first node is still on breadboard, but alive even after desoldering led and volt. reg.
RE: BME280/BMP280 high consumption when sleeping
@TRS-80 said in BME280/BMP280 high comsumption when sleeping:
@bbastos said in BME280/BMP280 high comsumption when sleeping:
7uA during sleep
Sounds pretty good to me!
You calling it done then?
Yes, it`s pretty good! But I'd like to use nodemanager on my nodes, it's so much easier
I'll open an issue on nodemanager's github.
Thank you so much for the help!