Hello !
I'm a newbie on mysensors. it seems very interesting, but I was not able to fully understand how it works.
I'm building my own weather station, based on MQTT and weewx.
I was wondering if I could use the arduino mysensors lib to make the sensor management easier.
I have some question regarding the MQTT gateway.
How is the mqtt topic build exactly ?
From my understanding and what I have see on the website, it seems to be this way:
1/ it should be defined a topic prefix, ex mygateway1-out
#define MY_MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC_PREFIX "mygateway1-out"
2/ The sensors are published with as topic, something like this:
Is this correct ? is the xxx some kind of id ?
Also, for an easier management and also because I use some sensors that would not use mysensors, I wish to use my own mqtt topic structure.
Is it possible to do this using mysensors ? or shall I build my own software for MQTT management ?
The topics I would like to use looks like this:
Best regards,