i have been using wifi gateway with Domoticz controller without any problems until recentely. After the last update to beta version of the controller, the gateway crashes when the controller request gateway version:
Gateway startup complete.
Client 0: 0;0;3;0;2;
Exception (28):
epc1=0x4000bf80 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000
ctx: cont
sp: 3ffebf60 end: 3ffec1f0 offset: 01a0
I have tested with telnet client with the same request and it was ok. Then I saw that the request from controller was terminated with only <LF> and not with <CR><LF> and this is why it crashed. I have added the following to the sketch:
and now it seems to work.
Is this the right way to go?