Thanks i will test it today in the evening.
Btw thanks for your great implementation!
i dont know if its in process but an IR receive via the dev panel would be awesome ;-).
Can i shoot you a beer or smth? or smth from ali?
Thanks i will test it today in the evening.
Btw thanks for your great implementation!
i dont know if its in process but an IR receive via the dev panel would be awesome ;-).
Can i shoot you a beer or smth? or smth from ali?
void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message)
if (message.type == V_STATUS) {
// Change sirene state.
digitalWrite(PIEZO_PIN, message.getBool() ? 1 : 0);
gw.send(sireneMsg.set(message.getBool() ? 1 : 0));
That you mean with receive feedback right?
so smth like:
void setup()
#ifdef DEBUG // turn on the Serial monitor if #define DEBUG is uncommented in MyConfig.h (MySensors library)
Serial.begin( 115200 ); // only debug to serial monitor during development
// setup a connection to the MySensor's gateway and request an ID if we do not have one yet.
gw.sendSketchInfo(SN, SV);
#ifdef DEBUG // Print some debug info
Serial.println( "Radio is connect right." );
// Initialize the digital pin as an output.
gw.present(CHILD_ID, S_BINARY);
How does the feedback looks like in the receive part?
@martinhjelmare i'm rather new to active nodes, do you have an example or could you edit the code above?
I just used reporting nodes till now, first try with my active one :-).
Didn't find much examples for home-assistant with active nodes, basically it could be a switch sketch either i assume.
Sorry for the late reply, i was a bit absent.
17-02-28 21:50:59 DEBUG (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.mysensors] Update sensor_update: node 24
17-02-28 21:50:59 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.mysensors] No sketch_name: node 24
17-02-28 21:50:59 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.mysensors] No sketch_name: node 24
17-02-28 21:50:59 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.mysensors] No sketch_name: node 24
17-02-28 21:50:59 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.mysensors] No sketch_name: node 24
17-02-28 21:50:59 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.mysensors] No sketch_name: node 24
17-02-28 21:50:59 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.mysensors] No sketch_name: node 24
17-02-28 21:50:59 DEBUG (Thread-13) [mysensors.mysensors] n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:read: 24-24-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:0
17-02-28 21:50:59 DEBUG (Thread-13) [mysensors.mysensors] n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:send: 0-0-24-24 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:M
17-02-28 21:51:01 DEBUG (Thread-13) [mysensors.mysensors] n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:read: 24-24-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=4,sg=0:A SP
17-02-28 21:51:01 DEBUG (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.mysensors] Update sensor_update: node 24
17-02-28 21:51:01 DEBUG (Thread-13) [mysensors.mysensors] n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:read: 24-24-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0:1.0
17-02-28 21:51:01 DEBUG (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.mysensors] Update sensor_update: node 24
17-02-28 21:51:01 DEBUG (Thread-13) [mysensors.mysensors] n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:read: 24-24-0 s=10,c=0,t=3,pt=0,l=0,sg=0:
17-02-28 21:51:01 DEBUG (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.mysensors] Update sensor_update: node 24
17-02-28 21:51:01 DEBUG (Thread-13) [mysensors.mysensors] n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:read: 24-24-0 s=255,c=3,t=0,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:100
17-02-28 21:51:01 DEBUG (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.mysensors] Update sensor_update: node 24
17-02-28 21:51:01 DEBUG (Thread-13) [mysensors.mysensors] n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:read: 24-24-0 s=10,c=2,t=2,pt=0,l=0,sg=0:
I miss the add entity line, like for the other sensor nodes:
Adding new devices: <Entity S SP 6 1: None>
Config as usual:
Gateway sketch should be 1.6, i want to update soon to 2.1 but as i have plenty of nodes and no OTA intentionally running it will take a while and especially because of a lack of time.
Thats the node sketch:
* MySensors RoomSensor with piezo alarm for audio feedback, like weather alarm when there's a huricane alarm.
* The alarm is just a standard alarm in your Home Automation controller.
* Version 1.0
* Created 25-10-2015
* release date 25-10-2015
* Author by Theo
* Parts used:
* - Arduino ProMini 3.3V
* - 3V Piezo buzzer (is actually surprisingly loud for such a tiny PIEZO), You can greatly improve on the volume by wrapping a paper tube around the piezo
* Include all needed libraries.
#include <MySensor.h> // The core of this Sketch. Enables communication from the radio to the MySensors gateway
#include <SPI.h> // Needed by the MySensors Radio, it communicates with the Arduino by SPI
* Define the child ID's of the supported sensors.
#define SIRENE_CHILD_ID 10 // The child ID of the sirene as presented to the Domotica Controller
* Declare constants for the PIN's we use in this sketch.
#define PIEZO_PIN 8 // The arduino pin to which the piezo buzzer is attached
* Declare other constants used by the sketch
#define PIEZO_ON_DURATION 600 // The period the piezo makes a sound when the alarm is on and snooze mode is off.
#define PIEZO_OFF_DURATION 500 // The silent period when the alarm is on and snooze mode is off
* Section for MySensors specific variables and declarations.
#define SN "A SP" // The name of the sketch as being presented to the MySensors gateway. B.t.w. current Domoticz version ignores it
#define SV "1.0" // The version of the sketch as being presented to the MySensors gateway. B.t.w. current Domoticz version ignores it
MySensor gw; // You'll need this object for communication from an to the Gateway. Contains all logic inl the Radio communication
MyMessage sireneMsg( SIRENE_CHILD_ID, V_STATUS ); // trying to figure out what type type to use to make it known as a siren..???
// Message for sending the alarm on/off state to the MySensors gateway
* Declare variables used by the Sketch
boolean alarmOn = false; // alarm state indicator. False meaning off, true meaning we're in business.
unsigned long nextPiezoEvent = 0; // The next timestamp the piezo sound has to be turned on or off. We'll use the arduino's internal clock for this
boolean piezoOn = false; // indicator whether the sound is on or off during the alarm
* Initialize everything we need before we can start the Sketch:
* - setup MySensors communication
* - present the child id's to the MySensors gateway
* - declare pin modes and initialize the debouncer
void setup() {
#ifdef DEBUG // turn on the Serial monitor if #define DEBUG is uncommented in MyConfig.h (MySensors library)
Serial.begin( 115200 ); // only debug to serial monitor during development
// setup a connection to the MySensor's gateway and request an ID if we do not have one yet.
gw.sendSketchInfo(SN, SV);
#ifdef DEBUG // Print some debug info
Serial.println( "Radio is connect right." );
// present the children to the gateway
gw.present(SIRENE_CHILD_ID, S_LIGHT); // S_LIGHT is not correct
gw.sendBatteryLevel(100); // Let the Domotica controller no that we're a 100% powered sensor.
gw.request(SIRENE_CHILD_ID, V_STATUS); // request current state. An alarm might be active.
// setup the pin's used by this Sketch
* Piezo event has been triggered, depending on the current sirence state we need to make some nois or turn it off.
* We'll determine the timestamp of the next piezo event as well
void handlePiezoEvent() {
unsigned long curMS = millis();
if ( piezoOn == true ) { // Piezo is currently on, we need to switch it of
digitalWrite( PIEZO_PIN, 0 );
nextPiezoEvent = curMS + PIEZO_OFF_DURATION;
piezoOn = false;
else { // Piezo is off, time to make some noise ;-)
analogWrite( PIEZO_PIN, 255 );
nextPiezoEvent = curMS + PIEZO_ON_DURATION;
piezoOn = true;
* Main loop of the sketch.
void loop() {
if ( alarmOn == true ) { // Alarm handling code
if ( millis() >= nextPiezoEvent ) { // check if the piezo has to be turned on or off.
gw.wait( 5 ); // Just wait 50s not really necessary but give the arduino some rest. It's working really hard for us and we should be grateful for that.
// besides it calls gw.process() which we need for incomming messages.
* Call back handler, for handling messages send by the MySensors gateway
void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) {
if ( message.type == V_STATUS ) { // Check if the Gateway has reported an Alarm_type message (should be an V_ALARM as off the next Domoticz release.
if ( message.sensor == SIRENE_CHILD_ID ) { // Is the message for our alarm child?
alarmOn = message.getBool(); // get alarm value sent by Domotica controller
#ifdef DEBUG // print some debug info
Serial.println( "Sirene state changed to " + (String)alarmOn );
if ( alarmOn == false ) { // turn off the alarm as asked by the Domotica controller
analogWrite( PIEZO_PIN, 0 ); // turn off the noise
else { // Schedule the next piezo event
nextPiezoEvent = 0;
piezoOn = false;
I changed already a couple Values in the sketch for and backward, but it didn't change anything.
thank you for your help.
Hi there,
i have problems to get my piezo node working, it's my first "active node" which should get triggered on special events like intruder detected "arm_home"
I used the Example Sketch "Alarm" i changed as well already the V_Status to V_Triggered as i saw it is deprecated in HASS.
Mysensor version is still 1.6.
Thanks for help in advance.
// present the children to the gateway
gw.present( SIRENE_CHILD_ID, S_LIGHT, "Sirene" ); // S_LIGHT is not correct
gw.sendBatteryLevel( 100, false ); // Let the Domotica controller no that we're a 100% powered sensor.
gw.request( SIRENE_CHILD_ID , V_STATUS ); // request current state. An alarm might be active.
// setup the pin's used by this Sketch