Hello Community,
currently i removed all MySensors devices. I am very sad about this. But i couldn't establish a reliable connection to the gateway and the sensors.
I was very frustrated about the preferred radio "NRF24L01+". I read every article about this sensor and how to improve range and connection.
Didn't get any good results with this radio. I also read that this kind of radios have a very bad range and only work within 2-3 meters.
So i can't understand why these radios are the preferred radios for mysensors, this makes this project really unrealiable.
Currently, i switched to Zigbee devices from Aqara with a Conbee USB Stick from dresden electronics.
The Aqara Sensors and button devices fulfill all my requirements and have a very good connection and the battery usage of the devices is awesome.
Bought some of the sensors 16 month ago, and have a battery level of 80/90 % !!!
All other Zigbee devices like bulbs and LED-Stripes works to with conbee. As the central gateway i use pimatic (pimatic.org)
But if you need custom sensors and actors for a Maker Project MySensors is a good thing, but if you new to this project, i advise you to use any other communication method than NRF24L01+. This radios are total crap.