Hello anybody runing openhab4 with latest bindings (3.3.0) and serial gateway?
I'm not able to get the bindings active. They are installed but not active.
diag gives following message:
Any ideas?
Hello anybody runing openhab4 with latest bindings (3.3.0) and serial gateway?
I'm not able to get the bindings active. They are installed but not active.
diag gives following message:
Any ideas?
@TimO said in OH3 - MySensors Binding:
Is the device accessible by the user that Openhab is running with?
@TimO Yes it is. This behaviour is not reproduceable for me. Sometimes after reboot Serial gateway keeps online. in other cases it switches to OFFLINE. I assume anything is wrong with serial driver.
just tested OH3 (3.1.0) on PI3 with mysensors openhab binding (org.openhab.binding.mysensors-3.2.0-SNAPSHOT) in the link provided by vores8.
feature:install openhab-transport-serial and feature:install openhab-core-io-transport-mqtt. done. It's all up and running . bundle:list shows all active.
But the "MySensors Serial Gateway" which I intend to use in OH3 will not keep ONLINE.
It always goes back to offline...
11:48:29.035 [DEBUG] [ensors.handler.MySensorsBridgeHandler] - Initialization of the MySensors bridge mysensors:bridge-ser:6e5dca16a9 DONE!
11:48:29.035 [DEBUG] [ocol.serial.MySensorsSerialConnection] - Connecting to /dev/ttyUSB1 [baudRate:115200]
11:48:29.045 [INFO ] [hab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'mysensors:bridge-ser:6e5dca16a9' changed from OFFLINE to ONLINE
11:48:29.062 [ERROR] [ocol.serial.MySensorsSerialConnection] - Exception found
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Serial Port Identifier not found
at org.openhab.binding.mysensors.internal.protocol.serial.MySensorsSerialConnection.establishConnection(MySensorsSerialConnection.java:59) [bundleFile:?]
at org.openhab.binding.mysensors.internal.protocol.MySensorsAbstractConnection.connect(MySensorsAbstractConnection.java:145) [bundleFile:?]
at org.openhab.binding.mysensors.internal.protocol.MySensorsAbstractConnection.run(MySensorsAbstractConnection.java:124) [bundleFile:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:515) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:305) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:305) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628) [?:?]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829) [?:?]
11:48:29.073 [DEBUG] [ors.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - MySensorsGateway connection status update -connected: false
11:48:29.077 [DEBUG] [s.discovery.MySensorsDiscoveryService] - Stopping MySensors discovery scan
11:48:29.080 [INFO ] [hab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'mysensors:bridge-ser:6e5dca16a9' changed from ONLINE to OFFLINE
11:48:29.081 [DEBUG] [ysensors.internal.event.EventRegister] - Listener org.openhab.binding.mysensors.discovery.MySensorsDiscoveryService@b2d6b0 not present, cannot remove it
11:48:29.086 [DEBUG] [ensors.handler.MySensorsBridgeHandler] - Connection status mysensors:bridge-ser:6e5dca16a9 updated to false
11:48:29.090 [DEBUG] [sensors.factory.MySensorsCacheFactory] - Writing on cache given_ids, content: [0,4]
11:48:29.095 [ERROR] [ocol.serial.MySensorsSerialConnection] - Failed connecting to bridge...next retry in 10 seconds (Retry No.:0)
any ideas?
Hello, I try to start using OpenHab as a controller and
need some help, regarding mysensors binding 2.3.0. I get the bindings installed, but in bundle:list it's just installed and i don't get it Active.
All other instruction for installation are done.
Did feature:install openhab-transport-serial and feature:install esh-io-transport-mqtt and and "nrjavaserial" is Active.
But mysensor binding just installed. How can I get it ACTIVE?
Thank you for your help.