@TimO Thanks for investigating!
Here's the log, but I don't know if it's of any more help.
18:36:25.233 [DEBUG] [.converter.MySensorsRGBTypeConverter] - Converting RGB Int to Hex: R 05, G 71, B ff
18:36:25.295 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Node 10 found in gateway
18:36:25.321 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Child 1 found in node 10
18:36:25.408 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - RGBLEDStrip_Color changed from 15,100,100 to 214,98,100
18:36:25.346 [DEBUG] [rsAbstractConnection$MySensorsWriter] - Sending to MySensors: 10;1;1;0;40;0571ff
18:36:25.365 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent ] - Item 'RGBLEDStrip_Color' received command 214,98,100
18:36:25.840 [DEBUG] [rsAbstractConnection$MySensorsReader] - 10;1;1;0;2;1
18:36:25.863 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Node 10 found in gateway
18:36:25.895 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Child 1 found in node 10
18:36:25.919 [WARN ] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Variable 2 not present
18:36:26.209 [DEBUG] [rsAbstractConnection$MySensorsReader] - 10;1;1;0;3;100
18:36:26.232 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Node 10 found in gateway
18:36:26.254 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Child 1 found in node 10
18:36:26.276 [WARN ] [rs.internal.gateway.MySensorsGateway] - Variable 3 not present
I guess it may have something to do with a V_light
and V_dimmer
answer that is being send by the node. (As a reminder: I'm using this this one.)