@user2684 the values stay at 0 forever in the display, everything else is working fine. Thanks
Posts made by Getz99
RE: Values not presenting in DisplaySSD1306
Values not presenting in DisplaySSD1306
Hi, I have a problem with values not showing in the DisplaySSD1306.
I have made a temperature and distance node with a Ds18b20 and a VL53L0X and also connected a DisplaySSD1306. Debug and sketch below. The thing is the values from the sensors are showing up correctly in the controller but the not in the display, only 0.00 is presenning in the display, any ideas of what is wrong?
0 NM:INIT:INO=BMEDallas84 v1.1
0 NM:INIT:RBT p=255
2115 NM:BFR:OK
2135 NM:PRES:Temperatur(1) p=6 t=0
2173 NM:PRES:Avstånd(2) p=15 t=13
2212 NM:PRES:SSD1306(3) p=36 t=47
2259 NM:STP:ID=3 M=1
2443 NM:STP:HW V=4957 F=16 M=803
3210 NM:LOOP:Temperatur(1):SET t=0 v=20.00
4187 NM:LOOP:Temperatur(1):SET t=0 v=20.00
5164 NM:LOOP:Temperatur(1):SET t=0 v=20.02
6140 NM:LOOP:Temperatur(1):SET t=0 v=20.03
7116 NM:LOOP:Temperatur(1):SET t=0 v=20.03
7434 NM:LOOP:Avstånd(2):SET t=13 v=8190
7748 NM:LOOP:Avstånd(2):SET t=13 v=8190
8060 NM:LOOP:Avstånd(2):SET t=13 v=8190
8356 NM:LOOP:Avstånd(2):SET t=13 v=8190
8670 NM:LOOP:Avstånd(2):SET t=13 v=8190
8983 NM:SLP:SLEEP s=300/********************************** * MySensors node configuration */ // General settings #define SKETCH_NAME "BMEDallas84" #define SKETCH_VERSION "1.1" // NRF24 radio settings #define MY_RADIO_NRF24 //#define MY_RF24_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION #define MY_RF24_CHANNEL 84 #define MY_BAUD_RATE 9600 //#define MY_SMART_SLEEP_WAIT_DURATION_MS 500 #define MY_SPLASH_SCREEN_DISABLED #define NODEMANAGER_DEBUG ON #define NODEMANAGER_INTERRUPTS OFF #define NODEMANAGER_SLEEP ON #define NODEMANAGER_RECEIVE OFF #define NODEMANAGER_DEBUG_VERBOSE OFF #define NODEMANAGER_POWER_MANAGER OFF #define NODEMANAGER_CONDITIONAL_REPORT OFF #define NODEMANAGER_EEPROM OFF #define NODEMANAGER_TIME OFF #define NODEMANAGER_RTC OFF #define NODEMANAGER_SD OFF #define NODEMANAGER_HOOKING OFF #define NODEMANAGER_OTA_CONFIGURATION OFF #define NODEMANAGER_SERIAL_INPUT OFF // import NodeManager library (a nodeManager object will be then made available) #include <MySensors_NodeManager.h> /*********************************** * Add your sensors */ #include <sensors/SensorDs18b20.h> SensorDs18b20 ds18b20(5); #include <sensors/SensorVL53L0X.h> SensorVL53L0X vl53l0x(4); #include <sensors/DisplaySSD1306.h> DisplaySSD1306 ssd1306; // before void before() { /*********************************** * Configure your sensors */ ds18b20.children.get(1)->setDescription("Temperatur"); vl53l0x.children.get(1)->setDescription("Avstånd"); ds18b20.setSamples(5); ds18b20.setSamplesInterval(200); vl53l0x.setSamples(5); vl53l0x.setSamplesInterval(200); nodeManager.setSleepMinutes(5); // call NodeManager before routine nodeManager.before(); } // presentation void presentation() { // call NodeManager presentation routine nodeManager.presentation(); } // setup void setup() { // call NodeManager setup routine nodeManager.setup(); } // loop void loop() { // call NodeManager loop routine nodeManager.loop(); } #if NODEMANAGER_RECEIVE == ON // receive void receive(const MyMessage &message) { // call NodeManager receive routine nodeManager.receive(message); } #endif #if NODEMANAGER_TIME == ON // receiveTime void receiveTime(unsigned long ts) { // call NodeManager receiveTime routine nodeManager.receiveTime(ts); } #endif
RE: Is it possible to present an external sensor value on display with ModeManager
Thanks for your reply.
I do not know anything about programming or coding so I think it’s to complicated for me. (That’s why I like NM so much.)
But anyhow, thanks for your explanation and suggestion. -
Is it possible to present an external sensor value on display with ModeManager
I have a question, Is it possible to present an external sensor value on display with ModeManager?I have an indoor temperature node with local presentation on a SSD1306 display. I like to present a battery powered temperature node located in my garden on the same display, is this possible using NodeManager?
If it´s possible can you give me an example how to do it?
RE: NodeManager v1.7 now available!
@user2684 Thanks for your explanation, works great now!
RE: NodeManager v1.7 now available!
As you know I´m a fan of NodeManager!
Hi, I've downloaded the latest version of NodeManager, V1.7. Works really well based on what I've experienced so far. I especially appreciate the option of presenting results from nodes locally via LCD displays. I have tried making a simple node with a temperature DS18B20 and a display SSD1306, and it works well, but I would like to change the presentation of the child to another format/name that I choose myself,Is this possible? For me, it looks like the child is presented as a MAC address.!
RE: NodeManager: plugin for a rapid development of battery-powered sensors
@user2684 Thanks, Very much appreciated!
RE: NodeManager: plugin for a rapid development of battery-powered sensors
Hi @user2684
Is it possible to add sensor MG996R Servo in V1.7? I know the list is long for fixes but it would be nice if you could squeeze it in.Thanks!
RE: Error compiling NodeManager DHT22 sensor
Thanks @user2684 for your reply,
I was using the wrong package, downloaded the latest version and now it works!Thanks again for your help and for the development of NodeManager!
Error compiling NodeManager DHT22 sensor
Error compiling DHT22 sensor
I'm trying to make a simple DHT22 sensor Nodemanagersketch
But when I try to compile I get a warning in the NodeManager.cpp file:
_dht->setup(_pin,_dht_type);and in the bottom field 'class DHT' has no member named 'setup'
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
RE: NodeManager: plugin for a rapid development of battery-powered sensors
@user2684 Thanks! I understand it will not be in v1.6, I'm waiting for that release!
RE: NodeManager: plugin for a rapid development of battery-powered sensors
I'm using NM for all my projects and I really like it!
Will NodeManager support APDS-9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor in the future?Thanks
RE: Change parameters in thermistor
Hi @user2684 thanks a lot for your reply! I started to put in different values first for the Beta-c, nothing happened. Then I tried to change the value of the resistance of the probe, noting happened but when changing the reference resistance then I got a change. I started to measure and I found that the 2,5mm female connection (bought from China) for the probe was extremely high resistance so I soldered the probe connections directly to the board and now it works!!! Sorry for taking your time but I must say that nodemanager is amazing! I have no kompetente or skills in electronics or programming and still I got this to work (with a little help from you)! Now I just have to solder everyiting togheter and put in a box and start using it! I will follow the development and for sure do more projects using Node Manager!
Thanks again for for taking your time!
RE: Change parameters in thermistor
What I understand from the Nodemanager documentation the standard values are:
""// resistance at 25 degrees C (default: 10000)
void setNominalResistor(long value);
// temperature for nominal resistance (default: 25)
void setNominalTemperature(int value);
// The beta coefficient of the thermistor (default: 3950)
void setBCoefficient(int value);
// the value of the resistor in series with the thermistor (default: 10000)
void setSeriesResistor(long value);
// set a temperature offset
void setOffset(float value);""But since i use a different thermistor I want to change them to values I'm using
Change parameters in thermistor
I just want to say that I'm totally new on this so my question might be stupid. However I have looked for a z-wave thermometer for my smoker, barbecue but I haven't found one, then I discovered this "mysensors" and "nodemanager" and start reading about it. I have several meat probes at home, the probes are actually simple thermistors and I thought maybe this could be a solution. I bought some stuff from China and start a little project. As I don't know anything about coding or programming I was glad to find nodemanager. I measured the reference resistance on the probe at 25 degrees (100k) and also measured the resistance at some other temperatures to get the B-coffistence (4169).
I hooked up a simple test project on my board and put in the following code:nodeManager.setSleep(SLEEP,1,MINUTES);
int temp = nodeManager.registerSensor(SENSOR_THERMISTOR,A2);
SensorThermistor* tempSensor = ((SensorThermistor*)nodeManager.getSensor(temp));
tempSensor->setSeriesResistor(100000);The sketch uploads to the ardruino and delivers a temperature but I don't think it considers the changes I try to implement, whatever values I put in I get the same result. Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance!