Hello, GreyGnome here. Glad to see the library is helping you. Sorry to see you had to edit code.
In the next upcoming release I will include compiler directives that allow you to comment out conflicting interrupts.
Also, as someone else mentioned- don't use attachInterrupt() together with EnableInterrupt(). It just makes the code fatter, and EnableInterrupt() can already cover both interrupt types; eg on an Arduino Uno:
enableInterrupt(2, myFunkyExternalInterruptFunction, LOW);
enableInterrupt(10, myExcellentPinChangeInterruptFunction, CHANGE);
...note that enableInterrupt will use External interrupts on pin 2 by default. You can force it to use pin change interrupts:
enableInterrupt(2 | PINCHANGEINTERRUPT, myFunkyExternalInterruptFunction, FALLING);
...in which case, "myFunkyExternalInterruptFunction" is something of a misnomer. ALSO NOTE: Pin Change Interrupts do not support the LOW state!