Hi, it worked, you still can shake things a lil' bit in setup (sorry wasn't clear I meant the led test is working). Thanks for your time. I ordered more PCBs today and will keep you posted. I expect no trouble at all as it was designed very well. Thank you again for it!
Posts made by Grumpf
RE: 💬 Soil Moisture Sensor Pro Mini
RE: 💬 Soil Moisture Sensor Pro Mini
Hi, I soldered 4 others, using AA holder instead, figuring it won't hurt as I have room for it. I changed:
/* Initialization */
void setup()
//Setup LED INFO pin
//Setup LED WARNING pin
pinMode(LED_PIN_WARN, OUTPUT);//Set moisutre sensor pins
for (int i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS(SENSOR_ANALOG_PINS); i++)
digitalWrite(SENSOR_ANALOG_PINS[i], LOW);
//Blink leds to checkblinkLed(LED_PIN_INFO,800);
To test Leds when initializing and never managed ot have LED1 blink ? Dunno what I did wrong, I used correct resistor and normal 3mm leds, tested the pads and realizing that GND was the pad further from the edge; aligned with the - from the neighboor capacitor... What did I do wrong ?Thanks,
RE: 💬 Soil Moisture Sensor Pro Mini
Thanks!My wife is known as Hitler's green thumb, so no risk of overwatering here; this node will dissolve into oblivion by normal decaying before any water ever touches it... Gonna solder the other boards tomorrow though, thanks again for all your work, it's really appreciated! Happy NY 2018
RE: 💬 Soil Moisture Sensor Pro Mini
Know you have a new one but I ordered your PCBs anyway as I had Pro mini laying around. Thank you for your work, I soldered one and it worked immediately. Now I'll go on with the 4 others and try to desolder led/v reg we'll see how many I fucked up this way
You saved plants lives, know that !