looks good ,
but sot23 maybe needs to be a specific direction. or TO-92s?
Best posts made by huex
RE: Novice requesting PCB review and advice for a window / door sensor
RE: nrf51 problem
@mfalkvidd OK, i resoved this problem with battery detect in void before ,thanks
RE: Pir AS 312 with 2 rechargeable AAA battery. Boost needed?
few month ago ,i use tlv61220 step-up boost only for as312 is only 4ua, atmega328p ,battery cr2477 , then get 21ua ,
but now ,i give up boost , i test use ER14335 3.6v CR16340LIPO 【4.2V with diode 0.7V Step-down then 3.5V+- 】 ,same as312 get 18ua,,ER14335 cost much but 1600mah ! cr16340 750mah rechargeable best choose for me,,,,