@mfalkvidd It's probable that the module is broken, because I've built it on a veroboard in the past and it was working until a short circuit has broken the Arduino NANO I was using.
I was using this node to drive an RGBWW (RGB + warm white + cold white) LED strip using the Arduino PWM and some MOSFETs and for a mistake I shorted the DRAIN of the MOSFET with the VCC (this broke the Arduino).
I've checked all the MOSFETs and they're still working, so I've replaced the Arduino NANO with a new one, but as I can see the short circuit apparently broke also the radio.
Anyway I used the following components:
- Unofficial Arduino NANO Rev3 (Kuman Mini Nano V3.0 ATmega328P);
- 5 power MOSFETs (IRLB8721);
- The NRF24L01+ radio module;
- A 47uF capacitor (between VCC and GND of the radio module, to stabilize the voltage);
- A 12V power supply.
Arduino is powered with 12V (I know this isn't the best idea but other nodes are still working) and the radio is powered by the 3V3 (3.3V) pin on the Arduino.
I've changed CE and CSN pins because I need 5 PWM pins.
The gateway is a Raspberry Pi 3 setted up as an MQTT gateway (with the radio connected to the GPIO).