Hi guys,
I'm struggling a bit with building my first battery powered sensor. I have the following setup:
- Rev.8 of the newbie/easy pcb board
- Chinese clone Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v / 8 MHz
- NRF24L01+ radio
- 0.8-3.3 V DC 3.3 V StepUP Boost

I have no sensor attached as of yet, because I get stuck at init. I get a "RADIO:FAIL"
My first thought is: maybe I've done some bad soldering. So my question is: how do I check if all connections are okay, with a multimeter? I have no experience with electronics and soldering, and the multimeter looks like a Star Trek gadget to me 
Second question: When I'm using the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE, the Pro Mini gets powered by both my USB connection and the battery (I need it on, because it powers the radio). Is that setup okay? Or is there another way to monitor the debug messages?