This looks really good Does it work with Vera only or can Domoticz work?
Best posts made by msebbe
RE: Combined MySensor Gateway with 433Mhz transmitter (HomeEasy/Klik-Aan-Klik-uit)
RE: [contest] My Gateway
@olaeke Oh sorry I didnt see that you replied! I mean Can I use a cable from a cat5 cable?
Edit: Used a piece of cat5 wire and it works great!
I must also thank you for your 433node sketch and .h file. It is working so well with 3x Nexa 433mhz switches (150 sek for 3 switches)
Edit 2: The 433 transmitter should not be powered by usb - > arduino - > 433 transmitter. I had a very low rate of success until i powered it with a wallplug.
RE: Parking Sensor
@Dan-S. Thanks for your investigation! I made the changes and it seems to work well!
About the high pitch sound I mentioned earlier; I changed NEO_KHZ400.
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, NEO_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ400);
This removed the annoying high pitch sound