I am using a MySensors Serial Gateway on my Raspberry Pi and currently two DHT11 sensor nodes around the house. On the first run everyhing worked. It showed both readings on both sensors correctly and I was able to have them show up on my sitemap.
Now I've left the sensors unplugged over the weekend, decided to tinker a bit more with them and replugged them yesterday evening. Since then on the basic ui i only get temperature on one sensor and humidity on the other. On the paper UI it "seems" as if it's working. Both readings are showing up, but strange thing is, that on one sensor temperature is without dimension and on the other humidity is without dimension. Those readings that SHOW dimensions are those that also work on the sitemap.
If i screen the serial gateway it appears all sensors on all nodes are sending updates correctly. also i get updates on the openhab log.
i already tried removing everything. every item, every thing and also reinitialized the serial gateway. without success.
any idea?
it appears to be an openhab error. In this example I can see that on the working item, i get "stateDescription" from the REST api, whereas i cannot get this on the other one.
"link": "",
"state": "21.0",
"stateDescription": {
"pattern": "%.1f °C",
"readOnly": true,
"options": []
"editable": true,
"type": "Number",
"name": "Wohnzimmer_Temperature",
"label": "Temperature",
"category": "Temperature",
"tags": [],
"groupNames": []
"link": "",
"state": "21.0",
"editable": true,
"type": "Number",
"name": "Schlafzimmer_Temperature",
"label": "Temperature",
"category": "Temperature",
"tags": [],
"groupNames": []