But datasheet for dht22 says : 1.5ma when measuring and 50ua in standby.
Best posts made by nucutza
RE: [SOLVED] 2.2.0 node - sleep() problem
RE: [SOLVED] 2.2.0 node - sleep() problem
Yes I did remove the LDO on the arduino and the power led.
But finally I found the problem ! On my prototype sensor board there was another voltage converter (5 to 3.3V) because I wanted to use the node with an one cell 18650 power bank with 5V output. Even I fed directly the arduino with an external 3.3v power source the output of this LDO remained connected and guess what ? It drained around 4-5ma ! So I desoldered it and now it's ok ! I get around 15-20ua in sleep mode with the dht22.
RE: Sensor node problem after gateway reset
You were right ! I changed the sensor radio and it's working now !
But only if I have these lines in my sketch :