Thanks for the links.
Adding the delay in my code will not work in the case where a log message is being sent that is longer than 25 characters (MAX_PAYLOAD). The library code for that method splits the message and sends them in a loop where I have no control in my program via the wait()
I think in my case, I will add some code similar to what was suggested in the github discussion, but I will add it to MyTransportRF24.cpp rather than at the top level send()
Something similar to this:
unsigned int lastSendMS;
bool transportSend(const uint8_t to, const void *data, const uint8_t len, const bool noACK)
unsigned int waitTime=lastSendMS+MY_TRANSPORT_RF24_MESSAGE_DELAY-millis();
if(waitTime > 0) {
Haven't tried this yet, but it should address my issue for now.