i have played arround with the mysensors library on the MSP430 Launchpads.
First - it is possible, but:
- Only as SensorNode and not as gateway
- at least 8KB of Flash - the library needs 7KB without any serial port stuff
so there is a little space left for the core sensor handling
becaus of the flash requirenment there are 2 main µc left:
MSP430G2452 with 8KB Flash
MSP430G2553 with 16KB Flash
At the moment my Sensornode is running an the MSP430G2553 because of the serial debugging.
I was able to compile for G2452 but haven´t tried yet.
A little bit of mofification in the mysensors code was necessary, but nothing heavy.
i can share it, but its a rellay "hacked" at the moment - not really well done (no defines, macros, ....)