so the maximum number of radio nodes per network is 254.
but can i use ** sensorId** on INT16?
EXAMPLE ; sensorId #30, sensorId: #361 sensorId: #1021 etc..
so the maximum number of radio nodes per network is 254.
but can i use ** sensorId** on INT16?
EXAMPLE ; sensorId #30, sensorId: #361 sensorId: #1021 etc..
hi everybody.
i´m new in MYSENSORS.ORG and i´m working in a node network, now i use the libraries of TMRH20 but, the think is change to the libraries MYSENSOR
now someone know about a network example?? i will work whit 300 nodes and every node is construct whit (arduino nano,1 relay NRF24L01+ and a humidity sensor).
can somebody help me?