wow thanks for all the suggestions guys! sorry for the slow reply, this is the first time iv actually been able to sit at my computer since i posted, if only we didnt have to work to pay bills id be here all day...ahhh if only..... anyway!
Yes i am using a pushbutton not a rocker switch so i would need it to only do something on the down press and ignore the upward contact on the release of the button.
Ill try changing the script as explained above and see what that does, (as you have probably guessed by now my arduino tinkering only covered the first 10 or so lessons in the basic tutorial, then i went off and only looked up specific coding for the small projects i was working on....and most of which i have forgotten as i haven't used them for a long time need to brush up on what i should already know i guess)
anyway i shall post results as soon as i try out the suggestions. i think you all get what im trying to achieve here! thanks again,