@dirkc Unfortunately I cannot test the setup right now, but this should work:
#elif defined(SPI_PINS_CSN9_CE8)
#define CSN_PORT PORTB // port for CSN
#define CSN_DDR DDRB // DDR for CSN
#define CSN_PIN PB1 // Arduino Pin 9 <-> Bit 1 of port B
#define CE_PORT PORTB // port for CE
#define CE_DDR DDRB // DDR for CE
#define CE_PIN PB0 // Arduino Pin 8 <-> Bit 0 of port B
static void initSPI(void) {
#elif defined(SPI_PINS_CSN9_CE8)
// set pin mode: MOSI,SCLK,CE,CSN = OUTPUT, MISO = INPUT (=> all on same port)