Maybe anyone knows of certified dimmer that can be controlled by pwm or 0-10V?
Posts made by Session
RE: Approved in-wall switches and dimmers
RE: Approved in-wall switches and dimmers
@olaeke I have though of that as I already have 433Mhz dimmers in my walls now. The only "downside" to this is that you can not verify if the signal was received (the way you can with z-wave).
I see the problem with certification. Maybe just stick with z-wave even if the same dimmer could be built for a fraction of the price. Should anything happen my insurance company wouldn't be to happy with my home made dimmers
RE: Approved in-wall switches and dimmers
Not sure if I made my point.
I want to skip z-wave and just use mysensors in a HA setup. To do that I need to built a 230V triac dimmer and control it with a arduino. All this will be put in a wall box. Problem is that it is illegal. Is there any incentive to construct these with approval and sell them? I am aware that this is a costly process, but you never know...
Approved in-wall switches and dimmers
As far as I can see the only thing missing from this project is approved in-wall switches and dimmers. All the sensors are in place, but to have a usefull system you have to use 433Mhz or Z-wave to have approved switching/dimming.
Has anyone thought about how this could be achieved? Or have I completely misunderstood the system?
RE: Do I need RFXtrx433E from rfxcom?
Would the moteduino work as a sensor since it is a arduino clone? Thinking this would be great with it's small footprint and built in 433Mhz transceiver.
RE: Do I need RFXtrx433E from rfxcom?
Thank you. Would it be a good idea to hook this up to the gateway or use a different arduino for the 433Mhz NEXA OOK?
Do I need RFXtrx433E from rfxcom?
I have some dimmer modules from NEXA whitch is controlled over 433Mhz. Usually I would go and buy a RFXtrx433E to controll my lights together with with some homeautomation software on a computer. But the arduino gateway with a 433Mhz transceiver should do the job? I can not build a dimmer for my halogen spot lights as that is illegal where I live. Anyone have any comments? Maybe something like this has been done before? How do others solve this? Do they have a Rfxtrx433 (or equivalent z-wave) in addition to the arduino equipment?