Hi guys
just a newbie in MySensors, i am buikding my home net with RF24 radio.
Just received 4 of this rf-nano (+ chip) and set one into relay device
With my Wemos D1mini pro + NRF24L01 +PA+LA gateway, it works in my whole (relatively large) house (approx 30m through a lot of walls and armed floor).
Really handy for small boxes projects, the missing functionality is the interrupt pin not (easily ?) accessible for battery powering
Best posts made by Sherco49
RE: RF Nano = Nano + NRF24, for just $3,50 on Aliexpress
RE: RF Nano = Nano + NRF24, for just $3,50 on Aliexpress
I continue my test with this chip, and solved an issue in declaring children of a node
I tried the relay actuator with 2 relays, the second one never wanted to get an ACK message for the presentation message
I tried with 3 children relays , first is ACK, second still NACK and 3rd .... ACK again !Even if it was not my first thought, i finally insert a wait(1000) between each present line which solved the problem
hope it can help