Wow - I was just logging in to ask about the details on if anyone had tried sending data from the gateway to sensors and here we are. This is great! I was looking to light up a LED when sensors tripped, but now I must send text to an LCD for a "real time feed" of what my sensors "see" or "know". I may need one of these by the arm chair in the den now that it can tell me useful stuff!
As to mounting and placement (not sure if NOTYETRATED was asking more along the lines of this context), I am mounting both Unos and Pro minis in standard light switch boxes (plastic electrical junction box). They are cheap and easy to "blend in" with a faceplate that matches everything else in my house that was built in the 1960's. I have several in my house that are duplex boxes where we are only using one switch, so I have the extra space for mounting a sensor and battery pack. An uno and batteries are pretty tight - I don't have any of these mounted "in production" yet. A mini pro mounted via "3M VHB Tape" (Very High Bond - stickiest tape I think ever made) works well.
Now to see about cutting a blank switchplate to mount an LCD, add a button and voila'! - weather by the back door to the garage!