@yveaux It's seems that helped (success log). And I'm little embarrassed that I didn't think to check IBoard specs.
Thank you.
@yveaux It's seems that helped (success log). And I'm little embarrassed that I didn't think to check IBoard specs.
Thank you.
I went over a few of the posts that describe similar issue that I'm experiencing, but nothing helped.
So here is my problem:
Board: Itead IBoard (link)
Radio: NRF24L01+ (link) - tried a couple of these
Sketch: GatewayW5100MQTTClient (link) - I just changed necessary IP addresses (MY_IP_ADDRESS and MY_CONTROLLER_IP_ADDRESS).
Using Iboard should have been a pretty straightforward. I just plug radio to nRF24L01+ module interface and uploaded the sketch. But, I'm always getting the following error (link).
I even tried building gateway using Arduino Uno and W5100 R3 Network Ethernet Shield (link), but the error message is the same.
Am I missing something?
Any feedback I really appreciated.