Looks like running 2 gateways was the issue, have been stabil ever since I shut down one of them.
Thanks a lot for the help.
Looks like running 2 gateways was the issue, have been stabil ever since I shut down one of them.
Thanks a lot for the help.
If you want to measure level in a sewer and get a measurement that can be used for something "that have a high degree of accuracy" it needs to be atmospheric compensated, otherwise the measurement will be off by a lot, because of pressure in the pipe system, normally a sewer system is not open to the atmospheric pressure because of gases.
If your application is anything like the picture, that would not be a good solution, since a atmospheric sensor would have a small air tube and getting water into those would make it unstable.
if you can put your vent tube so no water gets in then a pressure level measurement would be a good solution.
I normally use alibaba for that.
But if you only want to know when the water level reach a certain height there is the option of using a float switch.
I often find that there is a need for a combine solution, both pressure/ultrasonic and a float, to keep up a high accuracy, sewer systems are a whole other world when it come to sensor technology, but again it depends on what you need.
Normally it takes anywhere from 30 min to 4 hours before it happens, but I will make an update.
The gateway I made following the guide https://www.mysensors.org/build/raspberry
With the command --my-transport=nrf24 --my-rf24-irq-pin=15 as I thought that might fix the issue
The node sketch is this one.
* The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
* between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
* The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
* repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
* network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
* Created by Henrik Ekblad <henrik.ekblad@mysensors.org>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
* Full contributor list: https://github.com/mysensors/Arduino/graphs/contributors
* Documentation: http://www.mysensors.org
* Support Forum: http://forum.mysensors.org
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Example sketch showing how to send in DS1820B OneWire temperature readings back to the controller
* http://www.mysensors.org/build/temp
* The cool thing about this temperature sensor (pun intended) is thay you can attach multiple Dallas temperature sensors outputs to the same arduino pin. They will all automatically be recognised as separate sensors.
* At the moment of writing (februari 2017) you need older versions of the Dallas and OneWire libraries. Please check the website or forum to see if this is still the case.
* Modifications by anonymous user so that it can now simultaneously function as a MySensors repeater.
// Enable debug prints to serial monitor
#define MY_DEBUG
// Enable and select radio type attached
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24 // A 2.4Ghz transmitter and receiver, often used with MySensors.
#define MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL RF24_PA_MAX // This sets a low-power mode for the radio. Useful if you use the verison with the bigger antenna, but don' want to power that from a separate source. It can also fix problems with fake Chinese versions of the radio.
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM69 // 433Mhz transmitter and reveiver.
// Choose if you want this sensor to also be a repeater.
// #define MY_REPEATER_FEATURE // Just remove the two slashes at the beginning of this line to also enable this sensor to act as a repeater for other sensors. If this node is on battery power, you probably shouldn't enable this.
// Are you using this sensor on battery power?
#define BATTERY_POWERED // Just remove the two slashes at the beginning of this line if your node is battery powered. It will then go into deep sleep as much as possible. But when it' sleeping it can' work as a repeater.
#define MY_NODE_ID 20
#include <SPI.h>
#include <MySensors.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
// These defines and variables can be changed:
#define COMPARE_TEMP 1 // Send temperature only if changed? 1 = Yes 0 = No. Can save battery.
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 3 // Pin where Dallas sensor(s) is/are connected.
#define MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20 16 // Maximum amount of teperature sensors you can connect to this arduino (16).
unsigned long measurementInterval = 3000; // Time to wait between reads (in milliseconds).
// You should not change these:
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); // Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); // Pass the oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature.
float lastTemperature[MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20]; // creates an array to hold the previous temperature measurements for each possible sensor.
int numSensors=0; // variable to contain the number of found attached sensors.
boolean metric = true; // old Mysensors??
unsigned long measurementSleepTime = 0; // variable to store the Sleep time if the node is battery powered.
// Mysensors settings
MyMessage msg(0,V_TEMP); // Sets up the message format that we'l be sending to the MySensors gateway later.
void before()
sensors.begin(); // Startup up the OneWire library. It allows multiple sensors to talk over one wire (one pin).
void setup()
for(int i=0; i<MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20; i++) {
lastTemperature[i] = 0; //Pre-filling array with 0's.
sensors.setWaitForConversion(false); // requestTemperatures() will not block current thread
measurementSleepTime = measurementInterval;
measurementInterval = 1; // We'll let Sleep take over the scheduling. When the arduino is asleep, millis doesn't increment anymore (time stops as it were). To fix this, we'l set the measurement interval time to 1, so that when the arduino wakes up it will immediately try to measure again.
Serial.begin(115200); // for serial debugging.
Serial.print("Hello world, I am a sensor. \n ");
void presentation()
sendSketchInfo("Temperature Sensor", "1.2"); // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
numSensors = sensors.getDeviceCount(); // Fetch the number of attached temperature sensors
for (int i=0; i<numSensors && i<MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20; i++) {
present(i, S_TEMP); // Present all sensors to controller (16 maximum).
void loop()
// You should not change these variables:
static boolean isMeasuring = true; // Used to indicate when the time is right for a new measurement to be made.
static boolean isCalculating = false; // Used to bridge the time that is needed to calculate the temperature values by the Dallas library.
static unsigned long currentMillis = 0; // The millisecond clock in the main loop.
static unsigned long previousMeasurementMillis = 0; // Used to remember the time of the last temperature measurement.
static int16_t conversionTime = 0; // Used to store the time needed to calculate the temperature from measurements.
currentMillis = millis(); // The time since the sensor started, counted in milliseconds. This script tries to avoid using the Sleep function, so that it could at the same time be a MySensors repeater.
// Let's measure the temperature
if(isMeasuring == true && currentMillis - previousMeasurementMillis >= measurementInterval) { // If we're not calculating, and enough time has passed, we'll start again.
isMeasuring = false; // We're measuring, so let's take it off our to-do list.
Serial.print("Starting new measurement(s)\n");
previousMeasurementMillis = currentMillis; // Mark the time of the initialiation of this measurement.
// Fetch temperatures from Dallas sensors
// query conversion time. Apparently it takes a while to calculate.
//CONVERSION_TIME = sensors.millisToWaitForConversion(sensors.getResolution());
conversionTime = millisToWaitForConversion(sensors.getResolution());
isCalculating = true; //Next step is to re-calculate the temperature again.
// Next, let's calculate and send the temperature
if(isCalculating == true && currentMillis > previousMeasurementMillis + conversionTime ) {
isCalculating = false; // check calculating off the to-do list too.
for (int i=0; i<numSensors && i<MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20; i++) { // Loop through all the attached temperatur sensors.
float temperature = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>((getControllerConfig().isMetric?sensors.getTempCByIndex(i):sensors.getTempFByIndex(i)) * 10.)) / 10.; // Fetch and round temperature to one decimal
Serial.print("Sensor #");
Serial.print(" says it is ");
Serial.print(" degrees\n");
if(temperature != -127.00 && temperature != 85.00) { // avoid working with measurement errors.
if (COMPARE_TEMP == 1 && lastTemperature[i] == temperature) {
Serial.print("Not sending it though, because it's the same temperature as before.\n");
} else {
Serial.print("Sending the temperature to the gateway.\n");
lastTemperature[i] = temperature; // Save new temperatures to be able to compare in the next round.
// Both tasks are done. Time to wait until we should measure again.
unsigned long quicktimecheck = millis(); // check how much time has passed during the measurement (can be up to 750 milliseconds), and then calculate from that how long to sleep until the next intended measuring time.
unsigned long sleeptime = measurementSleepTime - (quicktimecheck - previousMeasurementMillis); //How much time has passed already during the calculating? Subtract that from the intended interval time.
sleep (sleeptime);
isMeasuring = true;
// This function helps to avoid a problem with the latest Dallas temperature library.
int16_t millisToWaitForConversion(uint8_t bitResolution)
switch (bitResolution) {
case 9:
return 94;
case 10:
return 188;
case 11:
return 375;
return 750;
ohh I think I might have found the problem.
I was running the gateway as a service from when I followed the guide on my PI.
and was also running sudo ./bin/mysgw -d in Putty, so the might have been the issue.
I have just restarted my test to see if that fixes the problem.
The sensor is powered via batteries and a booster up to 3,3 volt,
along with some stabilization circuit and a 1mF on the NRF power
On the gateway I use a 100µf.