After spending hours banging my head, I sourced a new Nano It has the FTDI chip. Had it working in 30 min as a serial gateway on my Vera. The Nanos 'recommended' in the mysensors store are crap.
Posts made by yellowmonster
RE: [SOLVED] Vera Serial or Ethernet Gateway Help
RE: [SOLVED] Vera Serial or Ethernet Gateway Help
So I spent another 6 hours or so trying to figure this out and it's still not working.. Given my USB chipset, it seems I need to use the ethernet setup, so that is where I focused.
Hardware: Nano Clone and Wiznet 5100
I started completely over -pulled all wires and reinstalled the arduino IDE 1.6.7, with fresh mysensors library files
To make sure my clone works, I wired just the antenna to the board and loaded the mock sensors sketch. Via serial monitor, I saw it cycle through a bunch of sensors, so I feel confident my board and antenna work.
I then tried the ethernet gateway build again. My Wiznet is slightly different than the guide (has a 5V input and does not have an SCSN labeled). So I wired it:
SOK 13
NSS 10 (assume this is SCSN)
VCC 5V tapI re-wired the antenna as shown in the guide using some analog inputs.
I modified config.h field to enable soft SPI and added an appropriate IP for my network to the sketch (192.168.1.xx). Left the Mac address and port in the sketch. I assigned a fixed IP to match that mac address in my router and opened the port to that IP address.
I don't get any errors when loading the sketch and the serial monitor displays:
0;0;3;0;9;gateway started, id=0, parent=0, distance=0But I never get the complete message nor can I ping the IP address successfully. To troubleshoot, I did try pulling the MISO wire from the wiznet and I did get the complete message on the monitor, but pinging the IP still did not work nor did my Vera plugin see it. So it feels like there is a conflict or something there.
I see many threads on the subject, but those fixes are included in the latest library files, so I am not sure what else to do.
I have a whole box of sensors and Minis I'd love to get setup.. Any suggestions? Is there alternate hardware for the gateway I can try since I can't seem to find a genuine Nano anywhere?
RE: [SOLVED] Vera Serial or Ethernet Gateway Help
I am using the wiznet 5100. In the sketch I used MAC address of Deadbeeffeed. I created a static ip for that Mac and used that static ip in both my sketch and in the Vera plug-in.
[SOLVED] Vera Serial or Ethernet Gateway Help
Complete mysensors noob. I am trying to create a gateway for my Veralite using a Nano, and just cannot seem to get it to work. The guides are very clear and easy to follow, but I have been trying for months and can't seem to get it to work. I started using the serial gateway sketches and wiring diagram, but Vera would not recognize as a serial gateway. I used all the guides on this site and ordered parts using the links. My PC recognizes the board when USB is plugged in and the Arduino software confirms upload of the sketch.
For troubleshooting, I tried:
- Different Nano board
- Complete re-wire
- Powered USB hub
- Different USB cables
Then after reading there could be issues with the USB chips on clones, I tried an Ethernet gateway setup. I powered using 2 amp USB power brick and could get blinking ethernet connection lights, but my Vera would never find. I assigned a fixed IP address using my router and the MAC address I defined in the sketch. Pinging the IP resulted in no hits.
I think the problem may be due to my clone. The USB chip is labeled CH340 vs the FTDI I understand it should have. Is this a problem and is there a workaround? Where can I source a genuine board?