Gateway not working on VeraLite + UI6 - No Serial Port configuration available

  • Hi,

    I built my gw using a nano (bought the one recommended on this site) many months ago. It worked for a while, but then I unplugged it from my Vera Lite (running UI6) as my sensors weren't fully operational yet (had some battery issues).

    Now that I have some time, I tried getting the gw to work again, and when I follow the instructions on the page, I keep seeing the "Lua Startup Failure" error on the device page. When I go to set the serial port, I get the "Not available." message on the "Set Serial Configuration" page in the Apps section.

    I SSH into the vera as the remote user to tail some logs (/tmp/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log) and when I reload Lua, I see the following log entries relevant to the gw device (#37):

    09	02/22/15 12:11:02.086	JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 37 MySensors Plugin room 0 type urn:schemas-arduino-cc:device:arduino:1 id  parent 0/0xd34670 upnp: 0 <0x2b92d000>
    50	02/22/15 12:11:04.228	luup_log:37: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x2c261680>
    50	02/22/15 12:11:04.289	luup_log:37: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded __LEAK__ this:40960 start:40960 to 0xf9b000 <0x2c261680>
    50	02/22/15 12:11:04.300	luup_log:37: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.4, 37 <0x2c261680>
    50	02/22/15 12:11:04.300	luup_log:37: Arduino: Trying for a serial connection <0x2c261680>
    01	02/22/15 12:11:04.301	luup_log:37: Arduino: Serial port not connected. First choose the serial port and restart the lua engine. <0x2c261680>
    01	02/22/15 12:11:04.301	luup_log:37: Arduino: Choose the Serial Port <0x2c261680>
    01	02/22/15 12:11:04.302	LuaInterface::CallFunction_Startup-2 device 37 function startup failed (null) with return false <0x2c261680>
    01	02/22/15 12:11:04.302	LuImplementation::StartLua running startup code for 37 I_Arduino1.xml failed <0x2c261680>

    So it seems it loads the library fine, but something goes wrong and it fails. Just to make sure my nano is still working, I uploaded the blink sketch, and that worked.

    I also tried, as someone suggested in this forum, to use a powered hub (as opposed to plugging the nano directly into the VeraLite - same result.

    Anyone had a similar issue and found a way to resolve it? I saw someone else in this forum had better luck with a legit Nano ($$$), I am hoping I don't have to do that 😉

    Thanks in advance!

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    @cdrum it is recommended to use ethernet gateway with UI above 5
    you also can downgrade to UI5 to have no issues with serial gateway

  • @cdrum I tried with many arduino nano purchased on ebay but I could not connect on vera.

    Try with gateway Ethernet !!!

  • This post is deleted!

  • Im using the serial gateway on u17 and have it working fine. i have the same problem as you when my vera is rebooted or powered off, but found 2 solutions. 1 with the vera on disconnect then reconnect the serial gateway. wait 10seconds refresh the dashboard page. Then go to app/ developer apps/ serial connection. Reset your baud rate to 115200?? Select the mysensors profile. Then reload luup.pls note Sometimes it takes a few retrys. And doesn't always detect serial connection just be persistent. Option 2 when you get it working create a complete vera backup on your phone or pc. restore backup when needed

  • Failing that delete the mysensor gateway. Then reinstall D_Arduino1.xml. Re-add nodes as per usual.

  • Just read that link above lol. Could of saved me alot of writing on a phone. Good luck

  • @blacey said:

    @cdrum Try this -

    Hi blacey, thanks but tried that and didn't work 😞

  • thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. I don't want to try a different tech just yet (ethernet), someone recommended to me to downgrad back to UI5. I am doing this now (to beta version 672) and will let you know how it goes.


  • @brettzky84 said:

    Im using the serial gateway on u17 and have it working fine. i have the same problem as you when my vera is rebooted or powered off, but found 2 solutions. 1 with the vera on disconnect then reconnect the serial gateway. wait 10seconds refresh the dashboard page. Then go to app/ developer apps/ serial connection. Reset your baud rate to 115200??...

    Thansk. I ended up upgrading to the latst UI7 beta. My gateway is now working!!! Let's see how stable it is. 😉

    (UI7 has fixed some of my other issue too)

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