Openhab serial gateway and mysensors device discovery - tutorial

  • Hi
    I've struggled with openhab for 4 weeks. My last idea to use HashMap for mapping device to id's was not bad but I found much better solution. My major requirements were:

    • automatic device discover.
    • I don't want to use all discovered devices.
    • each item have to belong to group "all"
    • each new device will be added to groups "unconfigured, unused, all"
    • updates for items that belong to unused group are skipped
    • if device doesn't belong to group "all" , rule "Arduino sends to Openhab" will try to add this device as a new device

    OK lets go

    First I have to generate names so I create some HashMap tables using mysensors serial API

    • presentationSubTypeToValue - mysensors presentation mode - converts subType (S_DOOR) to value (number) and openhab item type
    var HashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> presentationSubTypeToValue = newLinkedHashMap(
            "S_DOOR" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "0", "comment" -> "Door and window sensors ", "itemType" -> "String"))
    • presentationValueToSubType - mysensors presentation mode - converts mysensors value to subType and openhab item type
    var HashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> presentationValueToSubType = newLinkedHashMap(
            0 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_DOOR", "comment" -> "Door and window sensors ", "itemType" -> "String")),
    • setSubTypeToValue - mysensors set/request mode - converts subType to mysensors value and openhab item type
    var HashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> setSubTypeToValue = newLinkedHashMap(
            "V_HUM" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "1", "comment" -> "Humidity ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
    • setValueToSubType - mysensors set/request - converts mysensors value to subType and openhab item type
    var HashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> setValueToSubType = newLinkedHashMap(
            0 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_TEMP", "comment" -> "Temperature ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
    • internalSubTypeToValue - mysensors internal command mode - converts subType to my sensors value and openhab item type
    var HashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> internalSubTypeToValue = newLinkedHashMap(
            "I_BATTERY_LEVEL" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "0", "comment" -> "Use this to report the battery level (in percent 0-100). ", "itemType" -> "String")),
    • internalValueToSubType - mysensors internal commands mode - converts mysensors value to subType and openhab item type
    var HashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> internalValueToSubType = newLinkedHashMap(
            0 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_BATTERY_LEVEL", "comment" -> "Use this to report the battery level (in percent 0-100). ", "itemType" -> "String")),

    My openhab item name is for example
    Switch V_LIGHT_10_0 where
    Switch is "itemType" -> "String"
    V_LIGHT - type
    10 - nodeID
    1 - sensorID

    bash script: will add new device to items file

    while getopts ":i:l:f:" opt; do
      case $opt in
          echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
    grep ${ITEM_NAME} ${ITEM_FILE} >> /dev/null 2>&1 || echo ${LINE} | ${SED} -e 's/____/\ /g' >> ${ITEM_FILE}

    Put this script in /opt/openhab/bin/

    in rules file you have to set variables to your configuration

    // ----------- Openhab configuration ---------------------
    var String OPENHAB_HOME = "/opt/openhab"
    var String OPENHAB_CONF = "/opt/openhab/configurations"
    var String SITE_NAME = "test"

    You can turn off automating my sensors device discovering:

    var String deviceDiscovery = "ON" //set to OFF

    this is my configurations files:

    • "test.items*
    String Arduino "Arduino" { serial="/dev/ttyUSB1@115200" }
    Group all
    Group unconfigured (all)
    // not used in our configuration
    Group unused (all)
    Group kitchen      "Kitchen" <kitchen>  (all)
    Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) kLights "Lights" <light> (all, kitchen)
    Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) kcLights "Cabinet Lights [(%d)]" <light> (all, kLights)
    Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) skcLights "Single Cabinet Lights [(%d)]" <light> (all)
    Group livingRoom "Living Room"  <sofa>  (all)
    Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) lrLights "Lights" <light> (livingRoom)
    Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) lrcLights "Ceiling Lights [(%d)]" <light> (lrLights,all)
    Switch V_LIGHT_10_0     "Light 1" (lights, kcLights,all,gAllLights)
    Switch V_LIGHT_10_1     "Light 2" (lights, kcLights,all,gAllLights)
    Switch V_LIGHT_10_2     "Light 3" (lights, kcLights,all,gAllLights)
    Switch V_LIGHT_10_3     "Light 4" (lights, kcLights,all,gAllLights)
    Dimmer V_DIMMER_20_0    "Light 1 [%s %%]" (lights, lrcLights,all, lrLightsAll)
    Dimmer V_DIMMER_20_1    "Light 2 [%s %%]" (lights, lrcLights,all, lrLightsAll)
    Dimmer V_DIMMER_20_2    "Light 3 [%s %%]" (lights, lrcLights,all,lrLightsAll)
    Dimmer V_DIMMER_20_3    "Light 4 [%s %%]" (lights, lrcLights,all,lrLightsAll)
    // --------------- Unconfigurated device -----------------------------
    • test.sitemap
    sitemap demo label="Main Menu"
            Frame label="Home" {
                    Group label="Kitchen" icon="kitchen" {
                            Frame label="Kitchen" {
                                    Group item=kLights label="Lights" {
                                    Switch item=V_LIGHT_10_4 label="Bar Lights"
                                    Switch item=kcLights label="Cabinet Lights"
                                    Group item=kcLights 
                    Group item=livingRoom {
                            Frame label="Living Room" {
                                    Group item=lrLights

    • test.rules
    import org.joda.time.*
    import org.openhab.core.library.types.*
    import org.openhab.core.library.types.PercentType
    import org.openhab.core.library.items.SwitchItem
    import org.openhab.model.script.actions.*
    import org.openhab.model.script.actions.Timer
    import java.util.HashMap
    import java.util.LinkedHashMap
    import java.util.ArrayList
    import java.util.Map
    import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock
    import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
    var Lock lock = new ReentrantLock()
    var String ArduinoUpdate = ""
    var String sketchName = ""
    var Timer timer
    /* Difference between val and var
    * val variable can be declareted only once, var more than once
    // AllItems contains information about all items from file *.item
    var String itemsAll = all.getMembers().toString
    var String itemsUnconfigured = unconfigured.getMembers().toString
    var String itemsUnused = unused.getMembers().toString
    var String deviceDiscovery = "ON"
    // ----------- Openhab configuration ---------------------
    var String OPENHAB_HOME = "/opt/openhab"
    var String OPENHAB_CONF = "/opt/openhab/configurations"
    var String SITE_NAME = "test"
    *       Each Item belongs to group "all"
    *       Devices that we don't use are in group "unused"
    *       Each discovered device will be added to groups "all", "unconfigured", "unused"
    *       we can configure any discovered device using HABmin
    *       For adding new item to file *.item we use perl/bash script
    *       Detailed information about discovered device on single node are in SITEMAP_mysensors_nodeId.html location OPENHAB_WEBAPPS ---- not implemented yet
    // Presentation
    var HashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> presentationSubTypeToValue = newLinkedHashMap(
            "S_DOOR" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "0", "comment" -> "Door and window sensors ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_MOTION" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "1", "comment" -> "Motion sensors ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_SMOKE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "2", "comment" -> "Smoke sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_LIGHT" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "3", "comment" -> "Light Actuator (on/off) ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_DIMMER" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "4", "comment" -> "Dimmable device of some kind ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_COVER" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "5", "comment" -> "Window covers or shades ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_TEMP" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "6", "comment" -> "Temperature sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_HUM" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "7", "comment" -> "Humidity sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_BARO" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "8", "comment" -> "Barometer sensor (Pressure) ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_WIND" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "9", "comment" -> "Wind sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_RAIN" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "10", "comment" -> "Rain sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_UV" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "11", "comment" -> "UV sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_WEIGHT" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "12", "comment" -> "Weight sensor for scales etc. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_POWER" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "13", "comment" -> "Power measuring device, like power meters ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_HEATER" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "14", "comment" -> "Heater device ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_DISTANCE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "15", "comment" -> "Distance sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_LIGHT_LEVEL" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "16", "comment" -> "Light sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_ARDUINO_NODE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "17", "comment" -> "Arduino node device ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_ARDUINO_RELAY" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "18", "comment" -> "Arduino repeating node device ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_LOCK" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "19", "comment" -> "Lock device ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_IR" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "20", "comment" -> "Ir sender/receiver device ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_WATER" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "21", "comment" -> "Water meter ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_AIR_QUALITY" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "22", "comment" -> "Air quality sensor e.g. MQ-2 ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_CUSTOM" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "23", "comment" -> "Use this for custom sensors where no other fits. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_DUST" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "24", "comment" -> "Dust level sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "S_SCENE_CONTROLLER" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "25", "comment" -> "Scene controller device ", "itemType" -> "String"))
    var HashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> presentationValueToSubType = newLinkedHashMap(
            0 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_DOOR", "comment" -> "Door and window sensors ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            1 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_MOTION", "comment" -> "Motion sensors ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            2 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_SMOKE", "comment" -> "Smoke sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            3 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_LIGHT", "comment" -> "Light Actuator (on/off) ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            4 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_DIMMER", "comment" -> "Dimmable device of some kind ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            5 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_COVER", "comment" -> "Window covers or shades ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            6 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_TEMP", "comment" -> "Temperature sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            7 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_HUM", "comment" -> "Humidity sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            8 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_BARO", "comment" -> "Barometer sensor (Pressure) ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            9 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_WIND", "comment" -> "Wind sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            10 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_RAIN", "comment" -> "Rain sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            11 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_UV", "comment" -> "UV sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            12 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_WEIGHT", "comment" -> "Weight sensor for scales etc. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            13 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_POWER", "comment" -> "Power measuring device, like power meters ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            14 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_HEATER", "comment" -> "Heater device ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            15 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_DISTANCE", "comment" -> "Distance sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            16 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_LIGHT_LEVEL", "comment" -> "Light sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            17 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_ARDUINO_NODE", "comment" -> "Arduino node device ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            18 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_ARDUINO_RELAY", "comment" -> "Arduino repeating node device ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            19 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_LOCK", "comment" -> "Lock device ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            20 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_IR", "comment" -> "Ir sender/receiver device ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            21 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_WATER", "comment" -> "Water meter ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            22 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_AIR_QUALITY", "comment" -> "Air quality sensor e.g. MQ-2 ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            23 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_CUSTOM", "comment" -> "Use this for custom sensors where no other fits. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            24 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_DUST", "comment" -> "Dust level sensor ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            25 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "S_SCENE_CONTROLLER", "comment" -> "Scene controller device ", "itemType" -> "String"))
    // --------------------- set & req -----------------------------
    var HashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> setSubTypeToValue = newLinkedHashMap(
    "V_TEMP" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "0", "comment" -> "Temperature ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_HUM" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "1", "comment" -> "Humidity ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_LIGHT" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "2", "comment" -> "Light status. 0=off 1=on ", "itemType" -> "Switch")),
            "V_DIMMER" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "3", "comment" -> "Dimmer value. 0-100% ", "itemType" -> "Dimmer")),
            "V_PRESSURE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "4", "comment" -> "Atmospheric Pressure ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_FORECAST" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "5", "comment" -> "Whether forecast. One of stable, sunny, cloudy, unstable, thunderstorm or unknown ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_RAIN" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "6", "comment" -> "Amount of rain ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_RAINRATE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "7", "comment" -> "Rate of rain ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_WIND" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "8", "comment" -> "Windspeed ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_GUST" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "9", "comment" -> "Gust ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_DIRECTION" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "10", "comment" -> "Wind direction ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_UV" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "11", "comment" -> "UV light level ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_WEIGHT" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "12", "comment" -> "Weight (for scales etc) ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_DISTANCE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "13", "comment" -> "Distance ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_IMPEDANCE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "14", "comment" -> "Impedance value ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_ARMED" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "15", "comment" -> "Armed status of a security sensor. 1=Armed, 0=Bypassed ", "itemType" -> "Switch")),
            "V_TRIPPED" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "16", "comment" -> "Tripped status of a security sensor. 1=Tripped, 0=Untripped ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_WATT" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "17", "comment" -> "Watt value for power meters ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_KWH" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "18", "comment" -> "Accumulated number of KWH for a power meter ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_SCENE_ON" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "19", "comment" -> "Turn on a scene ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_SCENE_OFF" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "20", "comment" -> "Turn of a scene ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_HEATER" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "21", "comment" -> "Mode of header. One of Off, HeatOn, CoolOn, or AutoChangeOver ")),
            "V_HEATER_SW" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "22", "comment" -> "Heater switch power. 1=On, 0=Off ", "itemType" -> "Switch")),
            "V_LIGHT_LEVEL" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "23", "comment" -> "Light level. 0-100% ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_VAR1" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "24", "comment" -> "Custom value ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_VAR2" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "25", "comment" -> "Custom value ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_VAR3" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "26", "comment" -> "Custom value ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_VAR4" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "27", "comment" -> "Custom value ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_VAR5" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "28", "comment" -> "Custom value ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_UP" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "29", "comment" -> "Window covering. Up. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_DOWN" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "30", "comment" -> "Window covering. Down. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_STOP" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "31", "comment" -> "Window covering. Stop. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_IR_SEND" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "32", "comment" -> "Send out an IR-command ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "V_IR_RECEIVE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "33", "comment" -> "This message contains a received IR-command ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_FLOW" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "34", "comment" -> "Flow of water (in meter) ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_VOLUME" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "35", "comment" -> "Water volume ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_LOCK_STATUS" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "36", "comment" -> "Set or get lock status. 1=Locked, 0=Unlocked ", "itemType" -> "Switch")),
            "V_DUST_LEVEL" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "37", "comment" -> "Dust level ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_VOLTAGE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "38", "comment" -> "Voltage level ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            "V_CURRENT" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "39", "comment" -> "Current level ", "itemType" -> "Number"))
    var HashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> setValueToSubType = newLinkedHashMap(
            0 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_TEMP", "comment" -> "Temperature ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            1 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_HUM", "comment" -> "Humidity ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            2 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_LIGHT", "comment" -> "Light status. 0=off 1=on ", "itemType" -> "Switch")),
            3 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_DIMMER", "comment" -> "Dimmer value. 0-100% ", "itemType" -> "Dimmer")),
            4 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_PRESSURE", "comment" -> "Atmospheric Pressure ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            5 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_FORECAST", "comment" -> "Whether forecast. One of stable, sunny, cloudy, unstable, thunderstorm or unknown ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            6 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_RAIN", "comment" -> "Amount of rain ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            7 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_RAINRATE", "comment" -> "Rate of rain ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            8 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_WIND", "comment" -> "Windspeed ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            9 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_GUST", "comment" -> "Gust ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            10 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_DIRECTION", "comment" -> "Wind direction ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            11 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_UV", "comment" -> "UV light level ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            12 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_WEIGHT", "comment" -> "Weight (for scales etc) ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            13 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_DISTANCE", "comment" -> "Distance ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            14 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_IMPEDANCE", "comment" -> "Impedance value ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            15 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_ARMED", "comment" -> "Armed status of a security sensor. 1=Armed, 0=Bypassed ", "itemType" -> "Switch")),
            16 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_TRIPPED", "comment" -> "Tripped status of a security sensor. 1=Tripped, 0=Untripped ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            17 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_WATT", "comment" -> "Watt value for power meters ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            18 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_KWH", "comment" -> "Accumulated number of KWH for a power meter ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            19 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_SCENE_ON", "comment" -> "Turn on a scene ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            20 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_SCENE_OFF", "comment" -> "Turn of a scene ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            21 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_HEATER", "comment" -> "Mode of header. One of Off, HeatOn, CoolOn, or AutoChangeOver ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            22 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_HEATER_SW", "comment" -> "Heater switch power. 1=On, 0=Off ", "itemType" -> "Switch")),
            23 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_LIGHT_LEVEL", "comment" -> "Light level. 0-100% ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            24 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_VAR1", "comment" -> "Custom value ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            25 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_VAR2", "comment" -> "Custom value ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            26 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_VAR3", "comment" -> "Custom value ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            27 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_VAR4", "comment" -> "Custom value ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            28 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_VAR5", "comment" -> "Custom value ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            29 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_UP", "comment" -> "Window covering. Up. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            30 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_DOWN", "comment" -> "Window covering. Down. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            31 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_STOP", "comment" -> "Window covering. Stop. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            32 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_IR_SEND", "comment" -> "Send out an IR-command ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            33 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_IR_RECEIVE", "comment" -> "This message contains a received IR-command ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            34 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_FLOW", "comment" -> "Flow of water (in meter) ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            35 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_VOLUME", "comment" -> "Water volume ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            36 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_LOCK_STATUS", "comment" -> "Set or get lock status. 1=Locked, 0=Unlocked ", "itemType" -> "Switch")),
            37 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_DUST_LEVEL", "comment" -> "Dust level ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            38 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_VOLTAGE", "comment" -> "Voltage level ", "itemType" -> "Number")),
            39 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "V_CURRENT", "comment" -> "Current level ", "itemType" -> "Number"))
    // Internal Commands
    // Internal Commands
    var HashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> internalSubTypeToValue = newLinkedHashMap(
            "I_BATTERY_LEVEL" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "0", "comment" -> "Use this to report the battery level (in percent 0-100). ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_TIME" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "1", "comment" -> "Sensors can request the current time from the Controller using this message. The time will be reported as the seconds since 1970 ")),
            "I_VERSION" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "2", "comment" -> "Sensors report their library version at startup using this message type ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_ID_REQUEST" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "3", "comment" -> "Use this to request a unique node id from the controller. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_ID_RESPONSE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "4", "comment" -> "Id response back to sensor. Payload contains sensor id. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_INCLUSION_MODE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "5", "comment" -> "Start/stop inclusion mode of the Controller (1=start, 0=stop). ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_CONFIG" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "6", "comment" -> "Config request from node. Reply with (M)etric or (I)mperal back to sensor. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_FIND_PARENT" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "7", "comment" -> "When a sensor starts up, it broadcast a search request to all neighbor nodes. They reply with a I_FIND_PARENT_RESPONSE. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_FIND_PARENT_RESPONSE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "8", "comment" -> "Reply message type to I_FIND_PARENT request. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_LOG_MESSAGE" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "9", "comment" -> "Sent by the gateway to the Controller to trace-log a message ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_CHILDREN" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "10", "comment" -> "A message that can be used to transfer child sensors (from EEPROM routing table) of a repeating node. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_SKETCH_NAME" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "11", "comment" -> "Optional sketch name that can be used to identify sensor in the Controller GUI ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_SKETCH_VERSION" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "12", "comment" -> "Optional sketch version that can be reported to keep track of the version of sensor in the Controller GUI. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_REBOOT" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "13", "comment" -> "Used by OTA firmware updates. Request for node to reboot. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            "I_GATEWAY_READY" -> (newLinkedHashMap("value" -> "14", "comment" -> "Send by gateway to controller when startup is complete. ", "itemType" -> "String"))
    var HashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> internalValueToSubType = newLinkedHashMap(
            0 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_BATTERY_LEVEL", "comment" -> "Use this to report the battery level (in percent 0-100). ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            1 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_TIME", "comment" -> "Sensors can request the current time from the Controller using this message. The time will be reported as the seconds since 1970 ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            2 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_VERSION", "comment" -> "Sensors report their library version at startup using this message type ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            3 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_ID_REQUEST", "comment" -> "Use this to request a unique node id from the controller. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            4 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_ID_RESPONSE", "comment" -> "Id response back to sensor. Payload contains sensor id. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            5 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_INCLUSION_MODE", "comment" -> "Start/stop inclusion mode of the Controller (1=start, 0=stop). ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            6 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_CONFIG", "comment" -> "Config request from node. Reply with (M)etric or (I)mperal back to sensor. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            7 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_FIND_PARENT", "comment" -> "When a sensor starts up, it broadcast a search request to all neighbor nodes. They reply with a I_FIND_PARENT_RESPONSE. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            8 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_FIND_PARENT_RESPONSE", "comment" -> "Reply message type to I_FIND_PARENT request. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            9 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_LOG_MESSAGE", "comment" -> "Sent by the gateway to the Controller to trace-log a message ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            10 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_CHILDREN", "comment" -> "A message that can be used to transfer child sensors (from EEPROM routing table) of a repeating node. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            11 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_SKETCH_NAME", "comment" -> "Optional sketch name that can be used to identify sensor in the Controller GUI ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            12 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_SKETCH_VERSION", "comment" -> "Optional sketch version that can be reported to keep track of the version of sensor in the Controller GUI. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            13 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_REBOOT", "comment" -> "Used by OTA firmware updates. Request for node to reboot. ", "itemType" -> "String")),
            14 -> (newLinkedHashMap("type" -> "I_GATEWAY_READY", "comment" -> "Send by gateway to controller when startup is complete. ", "itemType" -> "String"))
    // -------------------------------------- switch function ------------------------------------------------------
    val org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions$Function3 switchOperationNew = [
            org.openhab.core.library.items.SwitchItem relayItem,
            org.openhab.core.library.items.StringItem arduinoItem,
            java.util.HashMap setSubTypeToValue|
            var Integer state = 0
    //      V_LIGHT_10_4
            var String[] itemName = relayItem.getName().toString().split("_")
            var LinkedHashMap<String, String> typeMap = setSubTypeToValue.get(itemName.get(0)+"_"+itemName.get(1))
            if (relayItem.state == OFF) {
                    state = 0
            else {
                    state = 1
            println ("Function: switchOperationNew >> "+ itemName.get(2)+";"+itemName.get(3)+";1;1;" + typeMap.get("value") + ";" + state )
            arduinoItem.sendCommand(itemName.get(2)+";"+itemName.get(3)+";1;0;"+typeMap.get("value")+";" + state + "\n")
    val org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions$Function4 dimmerOperationNew = [
            org.openhab.core.library.items.DimmerItem relayItem,
            org.openhab.core.library.items.StringItem arduinoItem,
            String receivedCommand,
            java.util.HashMap setSubTypeToValue|
            var Number percent = 0
            if(relayItem.state instanceof DecimalType) percent = relayItem.state as DecimalType
            if(receivedCommand==INCREASE) percent = percent + 5
            if(receivedCommand==DECREASE) percent = percent - 5
            if(receivedCommand==ON) percent = 100
            if(receivedCommand==OFF) percent = 0
            if(percent<0)   percent = 0
            if(percent>100) percent = 100
            var String[] itemName = relayItem.getName().toString().split("_")
            var LinkedHashMap<String, String> typeMap = setSubTypeToValue.get(itemName.get(0)+"_"+itemName.get(1))
            println ("Function: dimmerOperationNew >> "+ itemName.get(2)+";"+itemName.get(3)+";1;1;" + typeMap.get("value") + ";" +  percent)
            arduinoItem.sendCommand(itemName.get(2)+";"+itemName.get(3)+";1;0;"+typeMap.get("value")+";" + percent + "\n")
    //receiving msg from mysensors gateway
    rule "Arduino sends to Openhab"
                    Item Arduino received update
                    var String lineBuffer =  Arduino.state.toString.split("\n")
                    for (String line : lineBuffer) {
                            if(!line.contains(";")) {continue}
                            var String[] message = line.split(";")
                            var Integer nodeId = new Integer(message.get(0))
                            var Integer childId = new Integer(message.get(1))
                            var Integer msgType = new Integer(message.get(2))
                            var Integer ack = new Integer(message.get(3))
                            var Integer subType = new Integer(message.get(4))
                            var String msg = message.get(5)
                            // if message type equals set
                            var Integer itemCreate = 0
                            var String command = ""
                            var LinkedHashMap<String, String>  valueMap
                            var String itemName
                            if(msgType == 1){
                                    valueMap = setValueToSubType.get(subType)
                                    itemName=valueMap.get("type") + "_" + nodeId + "_"+ childId
                                    itemsAll = all.getMembers().toString
                                            logInfo("FILE", "Set/Req message type: "+itemName + " not in group \"all\" so it doesn\'t exist in item file - value: "+msg)
                                            itemCreate = 1
                                    else {  
                                            if(valueMap.get("type").contains("V_LIGHT") && !valueMap.get("type").contains("V_LIGHT_LEVEL")){
                                                    if(msg == "0" ){msg="OFF"} else {msg="ON"}
                                                    if(msg == "0"){msg="CLOSE"} else {msg="OPEN"}
                                            logInfo ( "FILE", " Updated item " + itemName  + " value: " + msg )
                                                    postUpdate(itemName,  msg)
                            // Internal Command
                            else if(msgType == 3){
                                    valueMap = internalValueToSubType.get(subType)
                                    itemName=valueMap.get("type") + "_" + nodeId + "_" + childId
                                            logInfo("FILE", "Internal message type: "+itemName + " not in group \"all\" so it doesn\'t exist in item file - value: "+msg)
                                            itemCreate = 1
                            else if(msgType == 0){
                                    valueMap = presentationValueToSubType.get(subType)
                                    itemName=valueMap.get("type") + "_" + nodeId + "_" + childId
                                            logInfo("FILE", "Presentation message type: "+itemName + " not in group \"all\" so it doesn\'t exist in item file - value: "+msg)
                                            itemCreate = 1
                            if(itemCreate == 1 && deviceDiscovery.contains("ON")){
                                    var String itemName=valueMap.get("type") + "_" + nodeId + "_" + childId
                                    var String itemType=valueMap.get("itemType")
                                    var String itemComment=valueMap.get("comment")
                                    var String group="(all, unconfigurated, unused)"
                                    var String line=itemType+" "+itemName+" \""+itemComment+" - Example value: "+msg+"\" "+group+" "
                                    command=OPENHAB_HOME+"/bin/ -f "+OPENHAB_CONF+"/items/"+SITE_NAME+".items -i "+itemName+" -l "+line.replaceAll(" ", "____")
    rule "V_LIGHT_10_4 Switch Rule"
                    Item V_LIGHT_10_4 changed
                    switchOperationNew.apply(V_LIGHT_10_4, Arduino, setSubTypeToValue)
    rule "V_LIGHT_10_0 Switch Rule"
                    Item V_LIGHT_10_0 changed
                    switchOperationNew.apply(V_LIGHT_10_0, Arduino, setSubTypeToValue)
    rule "V_LIGHT_10_1 Switch Rule"
                    Item V_LIGHT_10_1 changed
                    switchOperationNew.apply(V_LIGHT_10_1, Arduino, setSubTypeToValue)
    rule "V_LIGHT_10_2 Switch Rule"
                    Item V_LIGHT_10_2 changed
                    switchOperationNew.apply(V_LIGHT_10_2, Arduino, setSubTypeToValue)
    rule "V_LIGHT_10_3 Switch Rule"
                    Item V_LIGHT_10_3 changed
                    switchOperationNew.apply(V_LIGHT_10_3, Arduino, setSubTypeToValue)
    rule "V_DIMMER_20_0 Switch Rule"
                    Item V_DIMMER_20_0 received command
                    dimmerOperationNew.apply(V_DIMMER_20_0, Arduino, receivedCommand, setSubTypeToValue)
    rule "V_DIMMER_20_1 Switch Rule"
                    Item V_DIMMER_20_1 received command
                    dimmerOperationNew.apply(V_DIMMER_20_1, Arduino, receivedCommand, setSubTypeToValue)
    rule "V_DIMMER_20_2 Switch Rule"
                    Item V_DIMMER_20_2 received command
                    dimmerOperationNew.apply(V_DIMMER_20_2, Arduino, receivedCommand, setSubTypeToValue)
    rule "V_DIMMER_20_3 Switch Rule"
                    Item V_DIMMER_20_3 received command
                    dimmerOperationNew.apply(V_DIMMER_20_3, Arduino, receivedCommand, setSubTypeToValue)

  • Awesome work!
    @l154 How can user give item name? Where is discovered device in the UI?

    Detailed information about discovered device on single node are in SITEMAP_mysensors_nodeId.html location OPENHAB_WEBAPPS ---- not implemented yet

    When will you put this file?

    Maybe some screenshots explain better..

    2015-04-16 12:06:00.214 [WARN ] [m.r.i.engine.RuleContextHelper] - Variable 'itemsAll' on rule file 'default.rules' cannot be initialized with value '.toString': An error occured during the script execution: The name 'all' cannot be resolved to an item or type.
    2015-04-16 12:06:05.746 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - Arduino state updated to 0;0;3;0;9;read: 51-51-0 s=1,c=1,t=2,pt=2,l=2:0

    2015-04-16 12:06:06.263 [ERROR] [o.o.c.s.ScriptExecutionThread ] - Error during the execution of rule 'Arduino sends to Openhab': The name '.get()' cannot be resolved to an item or type.

  • Items are added to sitename.items file. After you add item to this file every 10s items is reloaded.
    User can't give item name. Item name is generated type_nodeId_sensorId, but you can change item description in item file and this desc will be shown as a name.
    I needed auto discovery because i'm testing new sensors and this is easier to modify name than create it and modify items file and rules file.

  • @l154 said:

    You didn't create group "all" -- The name 'all' cannot be resolved to an item or type. I wrote that every item, have to belongs to group "all" - lower case

  • Hi, all
    I see there is a little misunderstanding. Item won't show automatically in sitemaps. The goal was to add discovered items to an sitemap.items file. After items are added to this file you can use them. You have to remove them from "unused" and "unconfigured " groups and add them to your site maps, your group etc. In rules I prepared two functions one for light and one for dimmer.

  • @l154 said:


    Hi, your tutorial is amazing, and just what I was looking for, but I´m very new to it, so I´m not sure what I have to do on the start of it. The creation of the names and the HashMap is something that we have to do also or just part of the line of thought? If it´s something we have to do, where do we start? I have my OH on a raspberry PI and know how to use it.

  • @l154

    If you have let´s say the "unconfigured" group on your sitemap, and the item is set to that group, it will appear automatically.

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