• Hero Member


    I am building a sensor to monitor a small solar/battery combination and am trying to use the Multimeter device to measure current in and out of the battery. I am using a 5amp ASC712 to read the current and then send the result to my Domoticz server.

    I am getting the data back to Domoticz ok but it is not formatting as i would of hoped. The device is being shown as type Current, CM113. For example if I send 1.250 the Domoticz device will only show 1.2A . As the ASC712 can read current flow in both directions I can also send negative numbers when the battery is discharging, so if I send -2.350 the Domoticz device shows 2.3A and ignores the negative number.

    I am thinking this may be a limitation of S_MULTIMETER ?

    Interestingly using V_VOLTAGE results in showing three decimal places but V_CURRENT shows only one decimal place.

    any help would be much appreciated.

  • Mod

    I use S_CUSTOM and V_VOLTAGE to report voltage in my plant moisture sketch. Haven't tried with negative values, but I get three decimals. Maybe Domoticz handles S_CUSTOM better?

  • Hero Member

    Thanks I will give that a try. I guess I could use two V_CURRENT devices, one for charging and one for discharging but an all in one would be better.

  • You can maybe use Temperature, but of course it will be wrong type but it can handle plus and minus

  • Im also having problems with domoticz and negative values. Im reporting value and want to see increase or decrease. And negative values are represented as long int value -1 (I think).


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