st=fail since mysensors 1.5.4 update
Hi !
It's my first post !
I've a mysensors network with 2 repeaters, 4 nodes ; and I noticed a problem since I updated my nodes to mysensors 1.5.4 ;
Since reflashing nodes, I have a lot of st=fail in my logs, and data doesn't reach the gateway.
After doing some tests, my conclusion is that the gw.send command sends too quick the data.....
I fixed that behaviour by adding the gw.wait(200) command after each gw.send(...).
Since I've done that on all my nodes, the problem disappeared !I don't know how it can be possible ????
I didn't told you : I've decoupling capacitors on all my nodes. My gateway has a separate 3.3V regulator since it as an amplified NRF24L01+ with an external antenna.
you may upgarde your gateway too
Thank you for your help. It is already upgraded